rock orchestra by candlelight set

Project 52 2024 week 9

We’re now just about into March, although fingers crossed the saying ‘in like a lion out like a lamb’ comes true because it’s been pretty rough weatherwise so far. Here’s my week 9 of Project 52.

Sunday – frustrating I woke at usual weekday alarm time, but it was good to have had a couple of earlier nights. Went to the car wash to use my final voucher from last year’s car insurance. Otherwise caught up on some reading and blogging emails.

Monday – I’d had a dream which for once I actually remembered, that my hair was falling out in clumps until I was bald. Very odd (and realistic, so I was relieved when I woke to find I still had hair). In the evening I went to see Rock Orchestra by Candlelight at Milton Keynes theatre.  It was a great show, although I was surprised at how many people were filming on phones throughout, and none of the staff at the sides stopped them. 

Tuesday – just a work day, nipped out to drop off a Vinted parcel, and was pleased to get a parking space first time of trying. I treated myself to a panini from the deli as I had a meeting as soon as I got back after lunch. There was a presale for ATG members for An Inspector Calls with a whopping 50% off tickets for first night. I bought 2 in case N decides to come (in preparation for studying it in Year 10), but if he doesn’t, I’m sure I’ll have a friend who’d take up the ticket.

Wednesday – a bit of a food meltdown day.  I’d decided I couldn’t do pasta as that’s a football evening meal, so then got stuck thinking of something. I ended up pulling a pie out of the freezer. But N said they didn’t like that pie the last time 15 minutes before serving. So I ended up having to do pizza for the OH, with chips in the air fryer. N defrosted a lamb burger and cooked that for himself. Pie’s wasted, but at least I will now remember that’s another meal no longer acceptable in the house (unless it’s homemade or the expensive M&S one rather than than the slightly cheaper one).  

I’ve told N that they need to write a list of all the meals they will eat, because over the years the options are rapidly dwindling. So I’m in need of ideas for meals that aren’t chinese, thai, curry, not too spicy, not sausage variations (only with mash accepted here), and are substantial, more traditional than light bites.

Thursday – just a work and school day. Football training was cancelled due to unavailable hall, so that’s a shame. Hopefully they’ll be back outside training soon although fingers crossed the weather dries up a bit otherwise the pitches will be wrecked.

Friday – a panic about moving money from kids’ savings accounts to pay for his new calves. We had to rush into town after school to get it sorted. Who knew that building societies couldn’t do BACs transfers, didn’t have cash in to give us, so money ended up having to go into my account as the linked adult, to then pay on. And it would take til Monday by 5pm to transfer in. So now to work out bank accounts that work better for what he needs but also pays interest.

On the same trip, I also finally went into my bank to close my stupid savings account my regular savings account matured into. So that will be going off to my ISA before the end of the year. Now I just need to remember to set up another regular saver – just 2 months overdue from organising that.

Saturday – no football again due to waterlogged pitches. They’re going to be playing league matches into May at this rate. No bakery stall visit today due to a Strongest Man competition going on, so just headed to the out of town retail park to nip to M&S for bread, and then TKMaxx for t shirts for N. Mostly polo shirts were all Ralph Lauren or Fred Perry at £54! But did managed to get three t shirts, two for N and one for the OH. So it wasn’t a totally wasted journey. Unlike Next – I needed another pair of jeans for N, but they didn’t have any jeans bigger than age 11. Sigh. I’ll have to order online and then go back in to collect.

rock orchestra by candlelight set

New posts this week:

Things I’m grateful for:

  • picking up some t shirts at much better prices than expected
  • no snow, just rain here.

What I’ve enjoyed?

  • Quick catch up with a work colleague I don’t often get to speak to
  • Married at First Sight Australia is back on tv
  • More reading. I think I’ve got through 3 books this week

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  1. Rock Orchestra by Candelight sounds like an interesting show. It does seem strange to have people filming on phones though. That’s a good discount for An Inspector Calls tickets. I performed in the National Theatre production when it was on tour (as part of a crowd towards the end of the play). Trying to find food options sounds frustrating – we have similar issues in our house! #project365

  2. 3 books in a week is good going. Such a fluff with the building society account. I tend to think life is only ever complicated for me, so I enjoy reading your weekly posts and know I’m not alone lol. Meal times used to drive me mad. The agreement is now, if you don’t like what I’m cooking you make your own. We both let the other know what we’re planning then we can decide if we want what the other is having and vice versa.

  3. It sounds annoying that people were filming at a candlelight event. It’s very disrespectful towards the other clients and the artists too.

  4. It sounds like a good week.
    That’s great you got 50% off for An Inspector Calls. I did that for GCSE and so did my eldest.
    Ugh! That is a shame about the pie. How frustrating and the cancelled football match. The weather has been so bad, I hope they get caught up on the matches. x

    1. I think I did it for GCSE as well. They’re going to be playing this league’s matches for a lot longer. Might even need to put in evening catch ups instead of Saturdays