Project 52 2025 week 4
It’s Project 52 week 4, and it was a birthday week – we have a 14 year old. It’s been a tiring week, lots of back and forth, although a football cancellation again. The team haven’t had a match since November, yet it’s still looking like 2 postponements that we can’t get a team out for because they’ve put them either outside the usual season or in half term, will be losses for our team which is frustrating, unless the opponents also agree they can’t get a team out.
That’s what happens when early in the season they only schedule a match a month, then have 2 months at the end with a game every week. It’s stupid. They should put the cup matches at the end of the season like our old league used to do, instead of at the start then cancelling league matches because of it.
Here’s our week.
Sunday – early alarm thanks to N needing to be dropped off at a 9am car washing job. Yawn. I went into town to get my car washed, fill up with petrol, and treated myself to a Starbucks – well it was 6 stars to every £1 purchased this weekend. Had a bit of a headache all day, so mostly did some jigsaw puzzle, caught up on some tv I’d recorded, and read some of my book.
Monday – I was in the office for a few new starters. I’m liking being back in frequently, so I might have to make more of an effort to go in. It’s nice to see people, especially when more of our team are in. Straight off to a PTSA meeting at school afterwards. It’s quite low key compared to primary school experiences many people have, but we’re struggling to get new people to join. I was baking a Victoria sponge in the evening.
Tuesday – N’s birthday. A bit of a boring day for him in my eyes, but he seemed happy enough. In the evening I still went line dancing. Yay, we learnt 2 new dances as well as getting through the other 4 we’d already learnt. And got much more hot and sweaty this time. I also managed to get all the names of them written down, and the steps, so now I can look them up and practice them if I’m so inclined.
Wednesday – N’s cow was calving, so he had to go and help just as we were heading out the door for the bus drop off. Luckily she only needed a little help to get the calf out, so we managed to get him to the next bus stop in time. The calf is needing to be hand reared though so that’s a bit annoying. Football training in the evening for them, and there was a potential new player trying out that lots of them know. N came home saying a friend might be joining him on his car washing business…but on the proviso that he also invests if he wants 50/50 (given N’s already invested in quite a lot of proper kit and cleaning stuff).
Thursday – Normal work day, saw a little bit of sun before the expected storm. Folded 3 loads of washing and put on another smaller wash. Managed to get in quite a bit of reading which was nice.
Friday – busy working day. Looks like my host for my 2 other blogs are doubling their prices. So I’ll be moving my content from my lists blog over to here before my renewal date in March and closing that blog down. I can’t justify that cost, but I’ll probably leave my dance blog running as I’d like to do more with that one and hopefully get it onto the same ad network I’m on here. I don’t have time to write for the lists blog, so it’s never going to take off. Looks like my February will be busy on the blog, and hopefully the content won’t be too random for here! Some will be, but I may just create one category it can sit under for list lovers, then it’ll be a bit out of the way.
Saturday – had a lovely morning as N wanted to come into town with me to shop for car washing bits. We did the usual stops, then B&M and Halfords for him. I’ve got discount vouchers through work where you can buy discounted instant vouchers to spend, so have started using those. Every little discount helps. We stopped for a Costa treat too before heading home. I had a bit of a headache, so tried to have a relaxing afternoon.

No new posts this week.
Things I’ve enjoyed this week:
- The final week of The Traitors. So good, but the Seer kind of ruined things because of Frankie choosing Charlotte. It was a shame Frankie and Alexander didn’t win too.
- Finding all the music for the line dances I’ve learnt and having a practice
- Moving the Alexa into the kitchen which means a lot more music being played over having to faff with the radio and ipod instead.
Things I’m grateful for this week:
- Payday!
- The road we expected to shut, not being closed (although looks like others are/will be).
- Looking like I need to get my backside in gear with transferring posts and closing my 3rd blog.
Happy belated birthday to N, glad you’re enjoying the dancing more this week. Sounds like a good idea moving the Alexa into the kitchen. the cake looks lovely, I need to get my bake on more, but there’s only me that eats cake now. I keep forgetting to use all my discount codes, I need to plan ahead with buying the vouchers. The baby calves arrival sounds exciting but the timing wasn’t good.
Hand reaeing a calf sounds super cute to be honest! Happy belated birthday to N. That cake looks amazing. Sounds like you are doing really well at your line dancing well done.
Happy belated birthday to N. Glad he had a nice day. How frustrating to have another football cancellation. I quite enjoy going in the office too – it’s nice to have the social interaction especially when I work from home the vast majority of the time. Sounds like you’re enjoying the line dancing and learning new dances. Glad N still managed to get to the next bus stop on time and his cow only needed a little help calving. Hope the calf is doing well. Good luck with sorting out your other blogs. #project365
Happy birthday to N, I hope he enjoyed his birthday. I didn’t know you had a lists blog that sounds interesting, It’s not great that hosting prices are rising but it is not surprising.
Happy belated birthday to N! The cake looks very tasty! I also baked a Margherita cake last week, but forgot to take a photo.
Your line dancing lassons sound fun.
It’s amazing that N is helping with calving, full respect.
I didn’t watch Traitors but Eddie’s been glued to his laptop, watching it.
Ooh margherita cake sounds nice. I tried to suggest N watching Traitors, but he didn’t sound v interested.
Happy birthday N – I always forget he has the same birthday week as Eliza. Shame his cow didn’t deliver on his birthday too. Hope he got lots of nice presents
Not the best time for parties when they’re young, but he’s less fussed nowadays.
Happy birthday to N! How is he 14 already, where has the time gone!
That is a shame about the football, it sounds so frustrating!
It sounds like you really enjoyed being in the office and like the line dancing is going well.
Congrats to N’s cow! How exciting, I remember hand rearing the calves when I was a kid on the farm.
Yum to the cake!! x
I know, time goes by so fast doesn’t it. 14 going on 18!