Project 52 2018 week 18 – rapeseed field in a lensball
Thankfully we’ve finally got the start of the good weather. Makes a change for a bank holiday weekend – although I bet I’m not the only one who’s moaning about how hot it is!
This week’s been as normal, with work and school. I did have a flexi day off on Friday, and decided I’d try and blitz all the gardens and similar place near us. It was great for photography practice but didn’t turn out to be as successful as I’d planned. Trying to find some nature reserves can be a nightmare even with written directions and sat nav!
The bank holiday weekend is going to be a quiet one. On the farm everyone’s busy. With the cattle that had been turned out, having been brought back in again due to the cold, and pretty much all the sheep lambing indoors rather than many being out in the fields, they’ve been turning them out again. As well as still drilling and fertilising. So N and I spent Saturday enjoying a bit of the sun with a picnic in the park (somewhat aborted – our town park really needs toilets in parks, or a seasonal cafe with toilets). Then back home we played a bit of frisbee and badminton. Yes, for the first time since I can remember there’s been no breeze so badminton has been possible outside. It turns out N’s quite good – I reckon better than he is at tennis considering he’s played the latter for 2 years!
This week’s Project 52 and My Sunday Photo was taken on one of my roadside stops to walk up a footpath alongside the rapeseed field. I’m loving my lensball, and if you’re interested in finding out more, I’ve a post on lensball photography tips.

What’s your week been like?
This is the first time I’ve heard of a lens ball. Looks pretty cool and love the picture
That looks really good. I wanted to get out with mine, but I’ve just got too much else on at the moment. #365
I love the effects a lens ball has, making everything upside down. I remember a few years back now one of the entrants for the 365 did a whole year of posts with it. #MySundayPhoto
This is beautiful and I have one of those balls I have not used yet. I must change that
Beautiful photo. I do like the effect of a lensball and have been enjoying seeing people’s photos using them.
I can’t believe your parks don’t have toilets! Our very local one doesn’t, but that is mainly a park for football matches and dog walkers. The parks used by children all have toilets.
No. 2 parks, neither have toilets. There are toilets in town nearish one, but you have to walk down the park, across the canal and into the shopping centre. The other there are public toilets a walk away but I’m not sure they’re still open.
Beautiful photo; I thought it was a bubble at first! #mysundayphoto
What a clever photo! It is really pretty x
Lensballs seem to be all the rage at the moment. It does look amazing, I agree. The rapeseed fields are stunning to look at, but totally lethal for people like my elder son and me, who’d immediately have breathing issues.
That’s a shame not to be able to enjoy them up close. I remember one year our annual cross country run at school would go through some rapeseed fields, and one year it was so hot and the scent so strong, there were kids fainting left right and centre.
bet you’re glad the sheep are lambing indoors, will save you all the stress of checking out in the fields. i’ve seen quite a few lens ball pictures recently, they look like a lot of fun to use
This is a beautiful photo! Is it terrible I had never heard of a Lensball until now? They look so cool!
I want one! What an amazing photo. I’m off to check out your lens ball tips now.
I love these lensball shots they just add a completely new dimension to the composition. Great capture! -#mysundayphoto
I walked right past a rape seed oil field the other day and thought “how can I make that look appealling in a photograph?” I think you’ve just shown me how! Great use of a Lensball.
Ohh I’ve never seen one of these before, I’m intrigued. Popping over from #MySundayPhoto
I’ve been seeing a lot of photographers play around with these lensballs lately, and love the outcome in the photos. Also, the rapeseed fields are the most beautiful colour this time of year, aren’t they?! #MySundayPhoto
Ah, it’s rapeseed time of year again – Instagram had better brace itself! I’ve been mulling over buying a lensball for a while – I love the additional element it brings to photos!
Hi Emma, the animals probably don’t know which way to turn, so I hope the weather settles for the better for you soon. We had a field of rapeseed down the road, it was a beautiful patch of yellow before the owner turned it. I do like your image with the lens ball, they are fun to use… Just don’t hold it up in the sun!