Project 52 2018 week 8 – tulips and hydrangea
Compared to the rest of this year, last week seemed to whizz by. We were back at work and school, both being pretty uneventful.
N’s spent the week rocking with a new toy guitar that someone at after school club had given him. He swapped his old toddler one for it. It looks more like a proper guitar and plays Born to be Wild. It’s so funny to see his rocking with it. At least his music taste are now expanding slightly – he will now listen to more than Foo Fighters and ACDC. We’ve now got Guns and Roses, ELO, Def Leppard, Linkin Park and he’s also singing more pop genre music that he’s been hearing on the radio. I also tried to educate him on The Beatles and it wasn’t a flat out no.
I’d been hoping to start back dancing again this week, but my achilles has been painful again, so I’ve finally booked a doctor’s appointment to check what the issue is and work out what I need to do to improve it.
I’ve been enjoying my photography again – the blue skies are helping, and the emergence of more flowers. These tulips and hydrangea have lasted well over a week. I decided to overexpose, and see how it came out. Not my usual style, but I really like it.

Gorgeous photo, they are such lovely flowers. #365
Beautiful image of tulips and hyacinths, such vibrant colours. I was recently thinking of trying to make Eddie listen to classic music, maybe one short piece a week, to expand his horizons, so that he knows there’s music beyond Hedwig’s theme or Minecraft theme. And he loves trashy melodies like Gangnam style.
Another beautiful photo – well done. Beautiful tones.
N has great taste in music 🙂 Hope you get some good advice for your ankle. Love the photo, beautiful x #365
Thanks Sara. I think his taste needs expanding – it’s hard going, but I can’t have him only liking (or at least recognising) rock!
Lol, in the car my choice rules, although he does moan about radio 2 because he says that’s for old people (the influence of his 16 year old cousin)
Thanks Fiona. I’m really enjoying them now
Hope you can get some answers with your ankle, that’s not been right for ages now has it #365
Since about October. Got a doctor’s appointment next week, but I think they’ll just say ice and rest, and may refer to physio for some exercises. A friend said massages are good, but I can’t bear them.
These are beautiful and I love the way you have captured the colours. Spring really does reignite the creativity 🙂 x #MySundayPhoto
Thanks Vicky. That’s definitely true once the flowers and colour starts appearing again
music is a great talent to learn and he sound like he is doing brillinat.
It is nice that the days are getting longer, and the flowers are another sign of Spring
Definitely. Can’t wait for all the daffodils to be out at home
your boy has a great taste in music. love the picture of the flowers, bet they smell nice also
His taste is severely impacted by the OH on the rock side. My influence is more trying to broaden his tastes
What a great taste in music your boy has…
I hope the doctors appointment goes well and you are back dancing soon x
Thanks. Hoping so, although it sounds like it could be a long term thing talking to other people who’ve suffered.
My H loves Queen so it’s Bohemian Rhapsody in the car for us. Hope you can sort out your achilles problem.
Queen always seems to go down well with children. I remember our oldest nephew really liking their music at a similar age to H
Beautiful photo! Love the thought of N rocking out with his guitar and I like his musical tastes! I have brought up two Levellers fans, so I’ve done pretty well.
That’s a pretty good band taste. N might like them purely because of the guitar and band side
Linkin Park. Lucky you. Anyway, love the colour in this image. I just want to see colour after months of winter! Hope your Achilles heal erm, heals quickly!
I know. They’re not my cup of tea. Thankfully it only seems to be the one song which I don’t mind.