Project 365 photo a day week 30-31
Bizarrely last week I had my photos all ready to go, but for some reason I forgot to write my post. So this week I’ve got week 30 and 31 together.

Week 30 we were out and about quite a bit, and lots of N photos!
- Sunday – was his Gran’s birthday, and he wanted to take the flowers we’d bought over to her. It looked like he was on a mission.
- Monday – Oh dear, another day, another quick nap in the car on the 2 minute journey home from nursery.
- Tuesday – N tends to keep these digger and dumper truck set outside, so he loves moving gravel around. He does get really absorbed when he’s playing.
- Wednesday – It’s always an effort to get N to get dressed in the morning. He’s not that keen on socks either, but his dad manages to put them on…and goes for the ‘pull them up to the knee’ look. Lovely!
- Thursday – I loved this Boots t shirt, and actually remembered to take some photos of him in the morning in readiness for Trendy Thursday. It’s so cute how he seems to be posing.
- Friday – I wanted to take photos of the dog roses just outside the farm, but spotted this beautifully framed field of crops with thistles in front.
- Saturday – I promised to take N to the park so he could go scooting. At home we only have gravel, so limited chance. He was a little disappointed to not see the playground equipment, but did have a good time on the scooter.

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Week 31 was fairly short on photos compared to other weeks.
- Sunday – N has taken over my rag dolly Annie that I found in my mum’s roof. She’s going to bed with him along with his taggy blanket and Peter Rabbit.
- Monday – if his dad leaves him to it in the morning while I’m still getting showered and ready, I sometimes find N has made himself toast. This is despite him having breakfast at day nursery each day!
- Tuesday – spent some time pottering around the farm, and showed N the snapdragons in his Gran’s garden.
- Wednesday – a gorgeous evening with N going nuts on the trampoline. It always worries me having it on the patio (plus takes up room). It started off on the grass, and then got moved so the father in law could cut the grass. Ok for N, but not sure I’d want his friends on it on the concrete if they were round playing.
- Thursday – N hadn’t asked for AC/DC on for a while, but decided he wanted to play his guitar and watch the DVD. It was a loud evening before he went to bed.
- Friday – N loves standing inside the kitchen cupboards. Or any cupboards. Strange child!
- Saturday – I bought a Nutribullet with the aim of getting more veg into me. Hadn’t quite counted on the fact that mostly it would be green leafy veg which I can’t have much of due to my warfarin. Damn. But today I did make a grim looking, but nice tasting drink. N hasn’t been so keen to try them though.
He does look like he’s on a mission with those flowers! Love the field and great jumping shot on the trampoline. How lovely that he’s sleeping with your doll x
This week the doll’s favour has reduced. Still going to bed with him, but he’s back to adding every soft toy to his bed. He insists there’s still room for him!
you have been super busy, that drink looks amazing lots of goodness 🙂 x
Yep, lots of goodness. I guess lots of healthy drinks require closed eyes while drinking!
Lovely summery pics. I like the one with him carrying the flowers to his gran.
Thanks. That’s one of my favourites too
N is a clever boy to make his own toast! I’ve been teaching my kids about snapdragons too! I used to love them as a kid.
He’s only just started attempting to spread. Usually he calls me to do that bit.
I used to love snapdragons as a child. I remember ‘popping’ them open whenever I saw them
Great view shot, never heard of nutribullet but it looks amazing. Little boys are so alike. Mine loved diggers and had a rag doll at that age too. Strange little things aren’t they?
He’s not usually interested in dolls, but this is more like a soft toy so seems to be more acceptable to him