pretty pink flowers in the sun

Project 365 2017 week 36 and 37

Yay, my blog is finally migrated to its new server and hopefully it’s a faster experience now.  So it’s a double whammy for Project 365 this week, with week 36 and 37. With the miserable rainy weather at the moment it’s noticeable that my photos aren’t so great and have moved inside a lot more.

Week 36

On Sunday N stayed in the house with me most of the day. He might be 6 now, but he still likes playing with all his tractors. The bits of paper were ‘seeds’ that had been drilled. He was sweeping them all up because I’d got sick of them everywhere.

playing with tractors

On Monday N had an inset day. The weather wasn’t great and we didn’t have anything planned but I’d been saying for months I needed to get him a double duvet for his ancient (his dad’s childhood) bed which is larger than a single bed. I hate the bed (it’s a flowery divan with no headboard) and getting sheets to fit is impossible, but the OH refuses to let him have a cabin bed which would be much more practical for a growing boy as well as providing more storage. So one nice duvet later and new funky bedding.

rolling up a new duvet

On Tuesday it was back to school and the start of year 2. Of course it was raining so our first day photos aren’t great. N had a great first week (and a good 2nd week) back at school so it’s looking good so far.

leaving for first day back at school

On Wednesday N asked me to take a photo of him with the dog at the farm.  The poor thing just wants an easy life, but with N around there’s not much chance of that. There’s always hugs and him talking to her.

boy and his dog

On Thursday, I was running short of photo ideas. The clematis over at the farm is looking a bit bedraggled now, but the colour is still amazing.

purple clematis flower

On Friday there’d been rainfall (when hadn’t there these last 2 weeks?!). So I got out in the garden to take some raindrop shots.

raindrops on orange calendula

On Saturday, my car was in for a service in Oxford, so I went into the city centre for a bit of a walk round and photo taking, then decided that the Botanic Garden was calling.  It was a beautiful warm sunny morning and the flowers were looking so pretty in the sun.  I’d totally missed the fact it was the worldwide instawalk day, otherwise I’d have tried to get out on the Oxford one.  But it was nice to get out early and have a mooch round before all the tourists turned up.

pretty pink flowers in the sun

Week 37

On Sunday we didn’t get up to much but I looked out the window in the afternoon and saw so many crows in our field. It was like The Birds was being filmed out there. This was only the second group taking off, there were 2 more after this lot.

lots of crows flying up from fields

On Monday it was another school day.  N was pleased to open the door in the evening to see the dog sitting there.

opening the door to see the dog sitting there

As usual it’s been hard to persuade N to do his reading each day. We have a deal going on involving me buying sheep.  And he’s not meant to watch tv or YouTube without having done a bit of reading, spellings or writing. It’s not quite working like that as seen on Tuesday.

watching tv

On Wednesday N wanted to snuggle up with me to watch Operation Ouch before bedtime. Of course he wasn’t keen on having a photo taken though.

mucking about avoiding photos with his teddy

It’s been really cold in the evenings, so I’ve had to get my blanket out for my feet and legs.  I’ve finished my reading challenge of 52 books for this year already, and have really enjoyed my reading this year.  It has meant more late nights though.

autumn time with kindle and blanket

N had a good second week back at tennis – they’ve got new coaches for their group, and while we can’t sit in and watch them now they’re playing indoors in a sports hall, N likes the new coach and helper. We had fish and chips afterwards (ssh, don’t tell the tennis coach!), and had to queue for ages.

waiting for fish and chips

On Saturday, N had his first swimming lesson back after summer. Having swum on Tuesday with school, but apart from that not having swum since July, I wasn’t sure how it would go. But he did brilliantly. They still had the same kids as last term in their class, and only 4 turned up. He was even used to demo his straight body line and fast kicking with a float to the group. Proud mum because he’s the weakest swimmer there.   I then had my hair cut, then mooched around at home. I’d taken no photos all day, so a slipper shot came to the rescue.

cold weather warm slippers
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  1. Glad swimming and tennis are going well. Your blog is so much faster to load!!! Glad it’s all sorted for you. We have a constant battle with reading here, and I need to talk to his new teacher as I’m sure he’s gone backwards on the book bands she’s now giving him, too easy. #365

  2. Glad school and tennis are going well, even if the reading isn’t going quite as well! There aren’t many kids who will happily do their reading after school. Love the flower photos.

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