Project 52 2021 week 10 – back to diet
We’re already onto week 10 of Project 52. It’s been back to school for N, and we’re counting down to tennis opening at the end of the month, as well as Easter.
Here’s our weekly round up.
On Sunday, it was a normal relaxing weekend. I finished a jigsaw (finally, it took 2 weeks!), and N played outside a lot. He’s been loving getting out on his bike again, and got his archery stuff out too.
Monday was back to school for N. The school have put them into mini bubbles across their row in class. Luckily N is in with 2 of his good friends, and he seems to be making friends with the new boy. I started back on my keto diet. I’m starting off with shakes and one normal meal for the first week, before I move to just normal keto (although I’ll probably stick with a shake for breakfast as it’s so much easier than cooking before work).
Tuesday was fairly quiet. I’ve been really busy with work this week – March is always busy with end of year and planning for next year. Having quiet at home is really helping. N is enjoying being back at school. They seem to be splitting the class into smaller groups for sport too. He was pleased to be back playing hockey. School pick ups have been madness this week. Classes being late out which means their parents are sitting in the pick up zone blocking it for everyone else. While they had pie for tea, I made myself some eggs and veg in pepper rings, with salad and grated cheese. Delicious. I do love a fast meal as well.
On Wednesday, it was more work and school. I made myself a peanut butter keto mousse for a pudding treat. I do like trying lots of new recipes, and a new diet is always a good opportunity to do that. We did a bit of organising of N’s school uniform that’s been arriving in dribs and drabs. At least he’s now sorted for this age and the next size up.
Thursday was a bit of to-ing and fro-ing about N’s team tennis and the club. I’ve kind of offered to be the junior parent rep at the committee when needed, so I’m hoping it’s just the occasional bit of feedback and AGM. It seems very ‘grown up’ to be going to AGMs.,
On Friday I was a bit worried about my arm. It had come up red and felt bruised a week ago as a reaction to my jab, but gone in a couple of days. Then it came up again on Thursday and looked like a bumpy ridge had come up on one bit. The more you look the more you question yourself. By the next morning I couldn’t tell whether it was different to the other side or not, but it was still a bit red. My arm felt really heavy too. I managed to get a dr’s appointment just to check. When on warfarin, if you end up with bruising and pain, they suggest heading to hospital to get checked out for bleeding. I had to send over some photos, but the doctor said it looked like a delayed reaction to the jab. Evidently they’ve been getting quite a few delayed reaction side effects, so she wasn’t worried, unless it got bigger or got hot. Phew.
Saturday, we headed into town early to get some mini eggs for N’s baking, and some flowers for mother’s day. The OH never sorts anything out (he could just take N to the village post office as they have lovely little gifts and flowers), so I have to organise things if I want anything. I’d ordered 2 lots of nice tulips with my food shop but mine they replaced with horrible carnations! In the end N wanted to get Granny some flowers from the market, and I’d keep the tulips that were delivered. It was the first time N has been in a shop other than the butcher’s for a year. We were there early so Home Bargains was pretty quiet – as least the tills were, so we didn’t wait long. It felt like a bit of normality, and a real treat being in a town shop rather than the little local ones.
N spent the rest of the morning baking a chocolate traybake for Granny. I suggested he cut it in half and we have half at ours, because his Gran and Gramp will never get through a whole traybake in a couple of days. He did a great job, decorated hers with a heart shaped from diddy mini eggs. Bit of a shame I’m on my diet as it looked really good.

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Mini bubble sounds like a good idea.. glad the kids are back in school.. the tray bake for granny is such a lovely gesture! 🙂
The school bubbles sound a great size. The red peppers sound like a good meal I’m not really a pepper fan. Good luck with the diet #365
Glad N has enjoyed returning to school and seeing his friends and making a new one. The eggs in pepper rings sounds nice, hope the Keto is going well for you. Well done resisting the traybake, my diet only lasted three days then I gave up so you have more willpower than me! x
Oh dear. I’m always fine once I’m on it and know I’m being strict. But as soon as I get a taste of something else I shouldn’t it falls to pieces. I need to crack this though. I said that last year, and was well on my way, until lockdown happened and it all went to pots.
Great to hear that N has settled at school and made new friends. The baking looks fab too. Hope your arm is feeling better now
Great that Ns settling back into school will. I can not believe that we are already 10 weeks into the year. That tray bake sounds amazing, I hope you had a lovely Mothers Day.
Mini bubble sounds good. With Bee it’s a whole year bubble, they haven’t mentioned mini bubbles.
Ours were bubbles of a class, so 31 kids in theirs. But now the class is split into 4. So they do sports separated in their groups too, eat lunch together etc. It’s good safety wise, but a shame that they can’t mix with all their usual friends.
Glad N is settling back in at school in his mini bubble and good on him for baking for his Nan. Glad your arm is ok #365
The better weather is definitely good for the mood. I also had a reaction to the vaccine, all my lymph nodes under my arm swelled up but it settled after a few days so not looking forward to my 2nd dose next month 🙂
They say the side effects are mostly worse with the 1st AZ but with the 2nd pfizer one, so hopefully we’ll be ok.
Glad N is enjoying being back at school and the smaller bubbles are working well for him. Sorry to hear about your reaction to the jab but glad that you were reassured by the doctor that it was okay. How lovely that N made a traybake for his Granny. #project365
How lovely that N baked a treat for Granny. He really is enjoying his cooking, big well done! Sorry to hear you’re still feeling rough after the injection, it doesn’t sound nice at all. Glad to hear that the class bubbles are manageable, and your son is making new friends.
What puzzle did you do? Ravensburger? Or one of Wasgij?
Sounds like N had a successful Mothers/Granny Day gift haul for everyone. Glad your arm is better now.
It sounds like the return to school has gone well.
What a worry about your arm. I hope it’s feeling better now.
Well done N for baking a traybake for Granny. x
I’ve been feeling like a right hypochondriac compared to normal. I think N’s turning into one too!