Project 52 2020 week 11 – rainbow
I think this week has been a hard one for everyone. Not just us, but the UK and the world. There’s a lot of questions over how the UK is planning to manage coronavirus vs the rest of the world. So far, not much has changed for us – work is still open although we are able to work from home and are preparing for it. None of N’s activities have been cancelled yet, although we’re expecting them to start being cancelled next week. Crikey, Project 52 is going to be boring to read in future weeks if and when we’re on lock down!
Here’s our Project 52 for week 11.
On Sunday N had his county tennis training for the first time. It was non stop for 3 1/2 hours; he was most miffed they only got 10 mins snack time rather than time off for lunch. It took 3 days for his legs to no longer ache afterwards.
Monday was back to work and school. The office was much emptier this week. I was disappointed to see that all the desks in front and to the outside of mine have been converted into riser desks, so I arrived to find my desk surrounded by blue dividers up above me, making it feel really enclosed. As well as my view all around the office being removed. Gutted as I loved my desk before.
Tuesday was a normal day as well. N was back swimming after having had a week off it last week due to his tonsillitis.
On Wednesday was back at his usual tennis lesson. It was pushed back later but more of it was still played in daylight. It’s nice to have more time before dark.
On Thursday it was quiet. Just a lot of obsessively checking the news for changing proposals on coronovirus, and nipping out to get bits and pieces of shopping I’d forgotten.
Friday was Sports Relief day, so N had to dress in sportswear for school. He’s still wearing half mast age 7-8 year joggers because the load of age 8-9 ones in his cupboard are all way too big in the waist. He’s at the top height of that age 8-9 so really needs to move up but we can’t find any that wouldn’t need gathering in so much at the waist. He has finally grown 1.5 cm in height though. It’s been a year, so I’m presuming this summer will be the one he shoots up as it’s always been slow growth before.
He also had tennis which was lovely weather. It seems the child who does karting isn’t going anymore as he’s not been for weeks, and another had chicken pox, so there were only 5 of them. It means the other mum who usually goes wasn’t there so I read a lot as well as watching them play.
Saturday we needed a couple of bits from town – put in a cheque, get some pudding and bread, then headed to swimming. The class before us only had 2 children and ours was down from 9 to 4, which was much better for those swimming. N was asked to demo breast stroke to the class before ours, and then after our lesson, the instructor told me N is now a level 7 swimmer (his class is both stage 6 and 7). It only took him just over a term of being in that class which is his fastest move up. He’s not happy though because it means moving to a purple hat from his current dark blue. I’m now on a mission to find as dark a purple hat as possible so he can’t moan it’s girlie, and so it’s silicone rather than the latex hats they provide at the pool. I don’t know why he’s moaning, it’s not like he’ll know he’s wearing a purple hat once it’s on his head.
This week’s photos is of a rainbow I saw while driving to pick N up from after school club. It’s not often you see the whole arc of the rainbow, but I couldn’t get it all in the photo once I’d parked up.

Wow thats a pretty intense tennis session! Such a long time!
Oh the desk situation doesn’t sound good…think I would feel a bit trapped!
Thankfully the people sitting near me are thoughtful and lower them when they’re not there. The 2 next to me didn’t even want a raised desk, so unless I get hotdeskers sitting/standing there, they’re not up much.
Yeah the virus situation is tough. Stay safe. Thats alot of time for tennis. Great job on N’s swimming class!
That’s a lovely double rainbow, have they explained why the change with the desks?
They had a few standing desks on hot desks around the office, but I sit opposite a director who uses one, so his desk was changed. Our desks are different to most of them in the office (smaller and non rounded), so they decided more standing desks were needed and that rather than spreading more round the office, they’d just do 5 of them on our pod. Only 2 of the desks are actually hot desks though, the other 3 are fixed, so it’s not really that helpful.
That tennis session sounds very full-on! I can imagine it took N a few days to recover from it. Having your desk feel so enclosed in the office doesn’t sound very nice. Hope you manage to find a suitable swimming hat for N. Love the photo of the rainbow – looks like it was a double one 🙂 #project366
LOL, needn’t have bothered with the hat now we’re on lockdown. I’d said he could finished lessons in the summer, so doubt he’ll go back in September. Although I would rather he stays on given school swimming stops for year 5.
Often wonder their thinking when as you say he cannot see it once it is on and everybody else is wearing the same colour, surely he sticks out more in a different colour of purple.
I feel so sorry for so many people now that are losing jobs and all that goes with it because their job can’t be done at home. I think as a NHS cleaner my job is fairly safe.
No wonder his legs ached, 2 1/2 hrs is a long time and a lot of running around.
He didn’t have an official blue hat because they said his was near enough the right colour, and there were only 2 blue hats/level 6 in the class, the rest were all purple hat/7s. There’s another girl with her own purple hat – because the ones they provide are cheap latex/rubber large swim hats. So a silicone one is much easier for him to wear.
That tennis session sounds very intense, and with such a short break too.
The rainbow is beautiful. We were also lucky to see it last week. Strange about the desk, that they didn’t consult people in advance.
Gosh I bet he was knackered after that tennis session! #366
Well done to N. H’s swimming has been cancelled for the foreseeable future because it’s held in a school pool and they want to minimise germs for their pupils. The desk seems a bit odd – you’d think they’d tell you before they did it.
The desks only changed in our area because there’s a director sits there who likes to stand. The type of desks we have are the only type that can change too, so their choices were limited where to put them.
Yep, we’re at the next stage of coronavirus measures – still not really sure where we’re going but everything non-essential (restaurants, cinemas, sports clubs, libraries, shops except supermarkets, …) are shut. It’s Day 1 today so we’re doing OK. We might be stir-crazy by the end of the week though. I’ve just uploaded all today’s lessons for my classes and the kids are working from home … in theory ! Love the rainbow pic – haven’t seen one of those for ages 🙂
Good luck with the mix of your kids at home and having to plan your classes. Certainly a different way of day to day. Our lockdown has started today.
It sounds like N has been working hard with the tennis training.
The dest situation doesn’t sound good.
What a pretty rainbow x
The desk was a bit of a shock. Luckily the people who sit next to me don’t really do standing up. And the people opposite take care to lower the desks when they’re not at their seats. It’s a shame they didn’t think about where the standing desks were put around the office when they went it.