Project 52 2021 week 13 – farm cat
Week 13 and it’s been a good one. Covid cases continue to decline, and tennis is back. We can also now meet up with people for the rule of 6 or 2 households. I can’t see us really meeting up with lots of people, but it’s still great news. Yippee. The weather was beautiful and warm, then got colder in the mornings but brightening around late afternoon. With the clocks going back a couple of weeks ago, the evenings are lovely to sit out in, if you get a break from the wind.
As well as my diet continuing, I’ve also tried to get a bit more active. It might only be around the house, but I’m now getting in 9-11k steps a day, so there’s not really an excuse for being lazy any more.
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Here’s this week’s project 52 – week 13.
On Sunday we started off tidying up the utility room a bit. At least getting most things off the floor. Our boiler’s been broken, so we had to get tidied up so the repair man could get to it. Otherwise it was a lazy day. I finished my latest puzzle, made myself a delicious keto mug cake for a treat at lunch, then we had steak for dinner. Steak is the one meal that the OH cooks. Well, I do all the veg and potatoes, he cooks the steak.
Monday I was back to working and N was back to school after 4 days off last week with tonsillitis. He wasn’t impressed that he’d be having to miss sports afternoons for catch up. He also had to do some assessments he’d missed – not easy when others are catching up on other things, and others are chatting. Not the exam conditions he usually likes, so he said he didn’t do very well with it. He was a bit angry about the talking. If he had his way, he’d have the lessons under exam conditions all the time! It was a lovely warm sunny day, so I sat out at lunch for a bit, and in the evening after tea.
On Tuesday it was another beautiful day. The boiler repair guys came after not arriving on Monday, so we have heating again. I nipped out to the village shop at lunchtime – they have some cute Easter displays in the windows. I also boiled several eggs for N to decorate for his egg roll competition at school. I do love my egg boiler – great for doing lots of eggs. He just used Sharpies on his and then decided to freeze it. I decided to try tie dying the others using food colouring. Mine wasn’t that successful unfortunately. Well, not pretty like I’d hoped.
Wednesday was N’s last day at school before Easter. They had their Easter roll in their bubbles. He was very pleased that his egg stayed intact although he didn’t win the distance. He came home with various chocolates and eggs, as well as a very cute Easter egg card complete with a poem. I love reading the poems he writes. I was still working at 7.30 as I’d had so much that had to get out before the 1st ready for the new financial year. Then one of the new people in my functional team called me for some help. Some work he’d said he’d help with before the requested went on leave. There was no way he could get it completed in time, however much we tried, so hopefully they’d manage to sort it out when they’re back.
On Thursday it was April Fools Day, but we managed to avoid any pranks. I was working, but he spent most of the day between helping on the farm and on Youtube and Farming Simulator. We had pizza Thursday rather than Friday, as there no no panic about tennis and dinner time clashes. I had a keto fathead dough pizza. Delicious! Although I probably ate too much as I was stuffed afterwards.
Friday was Good Friday and the start of my week off. N was at the farm early helping Granny to make 4 batches of hot cross buns. They then headed to pop cards and gifts over to nephew 1 and my niece who had birthdays. N introduced me to his calf, and its 2 friends, who are now in one of the boxes. He reckons she’s getting more friendly with him, so he’s happy they’re finally accessible for him, rather than being with all the other calves.
We had an early tea, left the OH’s his, then headed off for tennis. First tennis training back and they’ve got several catch up sessions, adding an extra 30 mins to the next 3 training sessions. Two hour sessions are quite long, but they all coped ok, and they get so much more into it than in only 1 1/2 hours. Most clubs only do 1 hour of training. By the time they’ve warmed up, they’ve already lost 15 mins. So I reckon our sessions are worth it. N loved it, and it was the first time since December he’s been able to speak to his friend. They in different mini bubbles at school so don’t get to talk or play together at school. It was great for me catching up with the other couple of parents too.
Saturday I slept in a bit. Did part of my puzzle, a bit of reading, sorted through some jeans. After lunch, N had tennis again. This time it was just 4 of them, the green team doing matchplay practice and learning to play up at the next level. It was a great 2 hour session – enough time for them to learn the new scoring and bigger court, playing both a singles and doubles match each. Had lots more chatting time. Maybe one day I’ll actually go for a walk given we now have 2 hours. But I need people to talk to.
This week’s project 52 photo was of a farm cat who’s taken to wandering up to our garden (and the lodgers’) to stalk the birds. It’s not yet got wise to coming in the morning which is when the birds are usually out, so it’s thankfully not caught anything yet. The cat isn’t the only one who’s intrigued with the overgrown patch under the climbing frame. The dogs investigate under there too.

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The cat looks well cared for. It must be lovely having N’s tennis back, especially as it means you get some adult conversation each week.
Glad to know that N is better, but making him sit those tests while the others are chatting along must have been very distracting. Good that your boiler is fixed now. And yay for tennis!
Love the cat, it looks very intrigued by something.
I am feeling like you more optimistic its nice things are starting to open up and the weather improve! So glad Tennis is back for your son. Awww bless him its not ideal having to do assessments if everyone else is chatting. I totally get that. The egg roll competition sounded fun, its nice the school arrange some activities for them.
Glad you have managed to get the boiler fixed. The keto mug cake sounds like a good idea and well done on the steps. I need to make more effort in that department. Easter eggs sound lovely I do prefer the traditional ones. Nice that N can see his own calf easier.
Good luck with the diet, I really need to lose some weight and although I am doing more exercise, I really need to start eating better. Glad tennis is back, we have ditched swimming for now as they are not able to compete at the moment, but hoping to find something else
Such a shame with swimming. I’ve got a colleague, all 3 of her secondary age children swim for club, and one regionally. They bought a pool trainer things for the garden, but it’s a lot of swimming they just can’t do. Hope yours find something else
It sounds like you have had a nice week. Darren let me have some lay-ins, well till 8 am. I bet N loves being back at Tennis. All of our activities start up next week and to be honest it will be a shock to the system! #365
Glad N is better and must be a relief to have the boiler fixed!
That cat is cute!
Glad N is back to normal even if he had to play catch up at school. Glad the boiler is fixed too – going to need it this weekend! #365
Glad that N is feeling better and your boiler has now been fixed. I’ve not seen egg boilers before – I can see how they would make cooking lots of eggs a lot easier. Nice to be able to get back to tennis again too. #project365
Like you, I am very excited about the tennis reopening. We went for a quick session and I can’t wait to go again. We usually go in the morning, before work, so about 30-40 minutes is the maximum we can do, as we need to get back home and have a shower before 9.
Good luck with your diet.
It sounds like a really good week for you. I am really loving the lighter nights and the sunshine while it lasted.
Hooray for the tennis being back. It’s great you’ve got some extra time on the training sessions. x