flip flops and nail polish summer weather

Project 52 2020 week 15 – spring weather and summer feet

We’re into week 3 of lockdown and week 4 of working from home.

Sunday wasn’t far off a normal Sunday. I baked bread (from a mix) and did beef stew in the slow cooker. We just pottered around.

On Monday, N was off the hook with school work as it’s now the Easter holidays. He is meant to still do reading each day, and he’s a couple of maths tests to do at some point. I dug out a couple of mosaic craft packets I bought ages ago and he made one of them while I worked. The rest of the day he went out on his bike, played with the dogs, and tried to make a grass roller flattener. His aim was to make the grass smooth enough to play grasscourt tennis. It entertained him for at least an hour.

Tuesday was a Lego day for N. He built a restaurant on the theme of the restaurant game he plays on Roblox. After work I attempted to make easy crusty bread courtesy of blogger Mel over at Le Coin de Mel. It looked pretty good expanding overnight on the aga.

On Wednesday N spent a lot of time in the garden, and bits of the day working on the farm. I was pretty impressed with my bread, despite it’s weird folded over structure. Not quite how it should be but tasted amazing slathered with butter (the men turned their noses up as it wasn’t suitable for sandwiches so my keto went out the window so I could eat it).

N also introduced me to his new calf Maggot (who turned out to be female, not male as he’d thought). She’s a runt calf who wasn’t sucking, so has been moved away into a box so they can feed her with a teat. She’s very sweet, but skinny so they need to make sure she gets milk into her.

I also did a top up food shop in the village shop. I was 7th in the queue to go into the shop as they’re doing one in one out, and it was the first time I’d been in and seen the shop staff wearing masks.

Thursday was another day the same. Just work, and a bit of outdoor play for N. Some walks with the pups, and a bit of time working on the farm with his dad.

Good Friday I had my last online delivery. N got very excited about all the plastic bags. I was sad that the big pack of mini eggs I’d ordered didn’t arrive (it was switched for a big Easter egg which wasn’t going to work for the baking I’d planned). I’m hoping that’s us stocked up for a while, and I’ll rely on local produce and butcher deliveries.

We spent the day chilling out – playing tennis and frisbee in the garden, jigsaws, reading, sorting out the washing, and just mooching around. I spent 20 minutes sitting in the sun, until my father-in-law came out with the lawn mower again. By that time, I’d had enough in the heat too. Even N has been moaning he’s been too hot. It was warm enough to get out my flip flops, and had to paint my nails as well.

I also trimmed N’s hair. Now it’s in a longer style on top it really needed it. I only did the neckline at the back and trimmed the top. I didn’t dare take off too much, but the OH hasn’t noticed so it’s obviously looking ok.

On Saturday it was another lazy day. N is waiting for his new work boots to arrive because he’s still wearing too hot wellies. I wish he’d told me before lockdown that his boots were too small, but of course he said they were fine. Looks like they won’t arrive until Tuesday now given bank holidays and everything else. N spent most of the day out on the farm. I need to get out and about more. If he’s out working, then I get a bit lazy and just stay in the house.

Fingers crossed this gorgeous spring weather continues to let children stay playing outdoors, although they do need rain on the sown seeds in the fields.

flip flops and nail polish summer weather

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  1. Ooh might have to give that crusty bread a go!

    Well done on managing to cut N’s hair. I want to cut Bee’s but she won’t let me touch it.

    1. It’s so easy. Mine ended up a little folded over, but everyone else who’s shared theirs on IG stories has looked perfect. Great for toast or ploughmans style open sandwiches.

  2. Happy Easter! Some bread making this week; sorry about the bread. Quite an entertaining week. Yep, the guys should behaving their haircut at home. Good thing it wasn’t bad

  3. We love Mel’s bread recipes. The calf sounds like she needs a lot of looking after, hopefully she will be ok. I haven’t worn proper shoes for weeks, barefoot or slippers here for the win
    Sorry for delayed comment. The week caught up with me!

  4. How lovely that he has a calf to focus on, sounds like from your comments she is doing well. Hope it continues. I am dreading the hair cuts that will have to come soon. Hope you get the rain you need for the farm.

  5. The crusty bread sounds like it was delicious – I’ll have to check out Mel’s recipe. Well done on managing to do a good job cutting N’s hair. Sophie is having to grow out her fringe as I don’t dare try to cut it myself. How lovely to have a new calf on the farm. I hope Maggot is doing well. #project366

  6. Sounds like N is keeping busy. It can be hard to fit it all in. I hope the calf survives. Way to go on the hair cut. That is great xx

    1. N’s loving being out on the farm. What frustrates me is when the nephew turns up at the farm because he’s working with his dad when he’s bored too. He shouldn’t be coming here, N doesn’t go to theirs.

  7. I was hoping for rain over the bank holiday to discourage people from going out, the garden could do with some for the grass seed. Sounds like N is having a nice time and I hope Maggot is ok

    1. Yes, on the farm they’re wishing for rain having just drilled all the seed in the fields. The calf is doing really well. Turns out she wouldn’t drink when the OH stands there, but if it’s N she laps it up really quickly. Looking healthier already.

  8. It sounds like N is having a great time and the bread sounds so good!
    The weather here is back to being grey and gloomy after a lovely few days last week. My flip flops are back in the cupboard and my slippers are back on x

    1. Yes, I had to resort to slippers yesterday, But back in flip flops today. The only problem is my left ankle still swells if it’s not in compression socks, so that’s frustrating with bare feet.

  9. I know what you mean about the rain – I am loving the sun, but I’m having to water a little already and I expect to have to do more if it continues. Hope N’s calf does well.

    1. The calf is doing really well now. She’ll only feed when N does it, rather than when the OH is standing there. N thinks it’s hysterical

  10. It sounds like N has been keeping busy. I hope the runt calf survives. I can imagine she will take a lot of feeding! Well done on cutting his hair. So many people having to cut their own hair at the moment.

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