Project 52 2021 week 17 – Yorkshires
This week, week 17 has whizzed by so fast. It’s been colder, I’ve managed to keep up my steps (and increased them having created workout playlists for Alexa), and I’ve caught up with a friend. Here’s this week’s Project 52 round up.
On Sunday I blitz vacuumed the downstairs before tennis. N didn’t think I could get it done in the 20 minutes before tennis. Oh yes I could! (the spider’s webs were left at that point though – that always takes extra time). The coaches have stopped doing club coaching as not enough were interested, so 4 of them went along and one of the dads organised doubles games for them, then they played some tennis games. I’d prefer more structured hitting than the mucking around, but whatever works. Unfortunately a couple of different little ones turned up in the middle rather than the first half hour which meant the older ones were stuck on the court. Hopefully things will work out a bit more structured in future. But really, we’d just like a session of hitting with adults. For the team players, that would be more valuable for their games.
N got confirmation of his being invited to the county training squad again. Rather than the 3 hour sessions mixed across age groups, they’re only doing 1 1/2 hours each time, split age groups and down to boys and girls as well. They’ve a lot of ages to get in on one day across all the age groups, and allowing for covid restrictions. So he’s happy he’s got back in again. Now the hard work begins, and he’ll probably need to do some more tournaments to get his matchplay experience up.
Monday was back to school and work. I’d found some possible desks I liked but needed to order bespoke sizes. I measured out the space I need for my set up on the table then measured a piece of paper and put on the floor where he desk will go. I just needed a response from the 2 places I’d contacted about different size options.
Tuesday was more of the same. Just work and school. I made keto yorkshire puddings to have with my mince because I didn’t fancy mashed cauliflower for a cottage pie. I was impressed with how they turned out. They tasted quite similar to normal yorkshires, but the texture was very melt in your mouth. A bit like some meringues. It still worked well with my mince. A fair replacement for when they have yorkshire puddings, now I can have my own.

In the evening I had a zoom call with a couple of friends. Only one could make it in the end, but we chatted for about 2 1/2 hours. It’s so nice to chat. We only catch up 2-3 times a year as a trio face to face usually. But zoom is working pretty well at the moment. Hopefully next time, all 3 of us will be able to catch up in person.
On Wednesday I noticed the apple blossom was starting to emerge. Only on the cooking apple trees, but nothing on the eating apple tree. N came home from school saying his tonsils were hurting a bit – so he’d pulled out of dance to do reading instead. Luckily we’ve just dosed him up on Difflum spray, and a bit of echinacea, so hopefully that will avoid it turning into tonsillitis. N had an individual tennis lesson which he did well on. It’s nice to see him progressing, although he does have a tendency to get really chatty with he coaches.
I had an early INR test on Thursday. I’ve been having to go back weekly the last few times because my INR rate dropped a lot. This week it was just about back in range so back in 2 weeks.
Friday was my short day at work. This week has whizzed past so quickly. I decided to make keto gnocchi as I was doing pasta for them, but then I remembered there were leftovers from the night before, so I froze the gnocchi instead. I do love the keto diet because I’m enjoying trying all the different recipes of normal dishes that are too carby. The old farmer who has the field opposite our farm, had a sheep and 2 lambs escpe yesterday. They were enjoying wandering along the road, but made no attempt to get back in the way they’d come out. The OH had already herded them back in but we didn’t have any spare fencing gear to fix the gap. But they escaped again and even when we came back from tennis after 8pm they were still wandering around. The other farmer obviously hadn’t come over to sort them out. Hopefully they did go back in.
Group tennis lesson was good as there were only 6 of them, and the one coach. It was quite focused, there were no noisy children, so even with a bit of fun mucking about, they still got plenty of hitting in.
On Saturday we had an early trip into town for the butcher and baker. We stopped at an independent coffee shop for a milkshake for N. I wasn’t impressed with the 15 minute wait given we were first in the queue for being served. But 3 people got coffees and pastries while we waiting, and I had to check in how long t would be as I was worried I’d get a parking ticket having only paid for 30 minutes. Thankfully the parking inspector wasn’t there as usual, so we escaped. If I’d know it would take that long, I’d have left it, and we’d have just driven out to Costa as normal (and spent less money). N said it was nice but not work the extra 50p and the long wait.
N then had a playdate with a school friend because they’d decided they were going to add a lawnmower engine onto a go kart. I had an hour’s chat on the door step with my friend while they set up workshop in the front garden, then headed home for a bit. I picked him up in the afternoon to find the boys had gone for a walk over the fields, so had another nice chat while we waiting. It’s been over a year since we’ve spoken, so it was lovely to have a proper natter again.
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I cannot wait to catch up with friends again, I have been lucky to have worked all the way though, but still miss meaningful chats with friends
Congratulations to N. Those Yorkshires look amazing. It sounds like a good week of catching up with friends. I hope those lambs were ok #365
That’s lovely he got asked to be in the county training squad again. Those Yorkshire puds look fab, it goes to show you don’t have to miss out following keto. Glad tennis is going well and he enjoys his individual lessons. Sorry you were kept for so long waiting for the milkshake.
Great to be getting out and about more and seeing people. Shame about the milkshake wait, good job the parking warden didn’t catch up with you. Well done for sorting out the neighbouring farmers sheep, shame they got back out though
Thats great news on the county training well done, hope he manages to get the match experience in time. The Yorkshires look great you would not know to look at them that they are made differently. So nice to be able to catch up with friends, sounds like a wonderful week for you. Hope the sheep made it back in okay!
It was so nice to have an alternative, even if I don’t make them every time we have roast beef.
Well done to N on being invited to the county training squad again. Those keto Yorkshire puddings look very yummy, glad they turned out well. That’s a long wait for a milkshake. Glad you managed to avoid getting a parking ticket. How lovely to have a doorstep chat with your friend while N enjoyed his playdate. #project365
It’s been so nice to talk to people I’d usually speak to so regularly. More needed I think though.
The Yorkshire puddings look pretty good…glad you managed to find a recipe that works for you so you can enjoy them.
Well done to N on the county training. Those puddings look fab too #365
Those puddings are nicely risen, well done. You know, we’ve been to a Costa, asked for vegan lattes and got milk ones, which is pretty bad considering that milk is an allergen. Luckily we are not allergic so we took them back, but I’m not going to Costa again, that’s for sure. So, it can be a hit and miss everywhere, depending on the staff.
That is bad. It must be dependent on the staff. We usually just have everything straight as they come, although I did have almond milk last time because I really wanted a milkshake and thought, sod the syrup that’s not allowed on keto!
Good luck to your son with the tennis. The county training squad sounds like a great opportunity.
The Yorkshire puddings look and sound good. x