Project 52 2019 week 18 – bluebells
Week 18 has been a busy one. One where the weather’s turned cooler with some rain. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that next week we’ll see some dry weather because we’ve got a first home tennis match and I don’t want to have to be the one to make the decision to call it off if it’s borderline ok weather.
This week started with N’s first tennis match of the summer league. The club they were playing at was lovely – I just wish the clubs round here had more to offer than they do, bigger with more on offer for juniors. The only downside for our team was that they were playing on clay. Let’s just say it was a huge home advantage. N and another boy won 1 match each, and there were 2 which were very close, but we were very beaten. I think on a surface ours have played on, it might have been a different result, certainly much closer. But they did well, and the opposing captain who also organises the local LTA events and leagues, was impressed with their strokes and the way they play which was nice to hear.
This week was fairly quiet at work but at school there was a fair bit going on. Monday, N was meant to have the first tennis club session at school but the coach couldn’t make it as he’d chopped his finger while cutting veg and was still at A&E. So N was back from school early after his aunt picked him up.
Tuesday was eventful at swimming. Because the changing rooms are small they go in to get changed in 2 groups. N was in group 2, but the first group got told off for taking ages and being really noisy. Then N’s group went in and got caught up in the 1st group being asked to see the teacher in breaktime the next day following the telling off. N was pretty upset at being caught up in it, but it all ended up being fine because it was cleared that it was only the first group. It seems that this year there’s a lot of lively children going swimming, as there’s been quite a few issues with too much noise and not listening.
On Wenesday N had some rehearsals for their key stage 2 summer production. It’s Midsummer Night’s Dream which is quite cool, and he’s in the company so is mostly just singing. He’s enjoying being part of it though.
I made a mistake on Thursday having told after school club that N was having a hair cut so wouldn’t be in. Then work up and realised that it was next week, not this time. So he got picked up by his aunt again and got to play with his cousin after school for a while.
Friday was a short day at work as usual. A day to get organised ready for the weekend, to try and finalise our 4th player for our home tennis match next week (I still don’t because someone who was really keen before can’t just tell me yes or no, and I’m late telling our opponents we’ve not got a full team). It ended with a quiet tennis session and N being annoyed that the younger child who won the ‘tennis ladder’ game didn’t know how to spin the racket at the start of the game to decide the server. N didn’t care about losing, he was just fuming that the child didn’t ask him his choice, but just spun the racket, then walked off to serve saying you serve. As the older child I don’t know why N didn’t call him back and make him do it properly, but he didn’t. Sigh.
Saturday was a largely lazy day. With swimming at 10.30, we always try and do remaining food shop, butcher and baker’s visit, a quick coffee shop stop if we have time before his lesson. His swimming friend he swam with from Water Babies through to their last stage, has now moved up to stage 5 and switched back to N’s class with their original teacher. She’s a much more technical teacher and gets them swimming properly with good technique. It’s lovely to see them together in class again, even though they don’t get chance to talk it it. And I get to sit and chat to her mum while they’re swimming. I’ve had a sore neck all day, I presume I slept strangely, so I’ve tried to keep from moving around too much.
I’ve not taken many photos this week, so this week’s was just some of the bluebells in the garden.

Monkeys Tennis class started this week as well although hes not in a club like N. Sounds like the matches went well even though you didn’t get the result you wanted. The Bluebells have been gorgeous this year. I am with you I could really do with some warmer weather again x
Looks like warmer weather is due from tomorrow. Ours today had a couple of showers, but otherwise was hot and sunny. I’m feeling and looking like I’ve caught the sun
Those bluebells are gorgeous. I haven’t seen any this year xx
Glad it got cleared up that he wasn’t part of the 1st noisy group!
Lovely pic of the bluebell
I can understand his frustration for nearly serving a detention despite the fact it was not his group to blame #365
Bluebells are so beautiful at this time of the year. I’m always looking forward to the bluebell season. Sounds like you had a rather intense week, with lots of sports activities.
It sounds like a stressful week with tennis and swimming. I’m glad N didn’t get in trouble for the noise in the changing rooms. I hope your home tennis match goes ahead OK!
The bluebells are stunning at this time of year.
Lots of sports this week. Shame about the hassle with the swimming.
Nice to have his friend back in his group.
The bluebells are looking lovely. Glad tennis and swimming are back on and seem to be going well.
Glad to see the tennis and swimming back on. Pleased to hear N didn’t get disciplined for the first groups misbehaviour in the changing rooms.
Good luck with the tennis match. I hope the weather is better than it has been.
Ahh! Bluebells are so pretty! x