Project 52 2021 week 19 – bedding plants
It’s now week 19 of the year, and it’s been a bit of a dreary week weatherwise. Covid cases are still going down although the indian variant is increasing cases in pockets of areas. My work is prepping for opening up the office again to more than the few, although will still be on social distancing etc. They’re also prepping for everything potentially opening up without social distancing, and booking in a work ‘end of lockdown’ party. Everything will still depend on whether cases go up again and we can’t fully open up as the government planned.
Onto our week.
Sunday was double tennis. Club junior session in the morning, a rush back afterwards for me to make scones and pastries for pudding at lunch and dinner. Prep for our roast. Then the afternoon was their team match. Timings worked much better than at the previous match. Our team was very beaten – their number 1 was really good. If our players had been able to move down 1 position each, they’d have stood a better chance of winning a couple of matches. None of them were that worried about losing though – they all enjoy playing, and there’s certainly lots they can take away from the matches.
On Monday it was work and school as usual. N moaned about his throat being a bit weird, so we got on the difflum spray to get rid of any soreness. I got very distracted watching the swallows and house martins flying around. My desk invoice arrived, so we’re on for it being made and delivered at some point in the next few weeks. Now to find a suitable chair.
Tuesday was another work day. I started using Vinted to sell N’s old clothes and some of mine that are too big or ones I bought then never returned. So had to visit the village for the post office.
On Wednesday, N had double PE – both hockey, and dance. Thankfully he wasn’t too wiped out for his tennis private. Work has been really busy this week – lots going on and a low key launch has now turned into something much bigger involving a lot of people. At the moment I just can’t see how we’ll get it all done on time.
Thursday I had my INR test again. Luckily it was still in range (yay) and I’m not back again for 4 weeks. I had more visits to post parcels at lunch time. I’m loving Vinted so far, but just want to see how easy it is withdrawing the money I make. I think I’ll add it to my savings account, although I might give some to N for his as well. I also need to sell all my puzzles to have a good clear out.
On Friday I had a flexi leave day. I had lots of things on my list to do but typically my Tesco shop wasn’t arriving til the end of the slot near 10, rather than its usual 1st or 2nd in the slot and arriving at 9. One trip to the village for the post office, another trip into one of the Co-ops in town for a Hermes drop off, and then I decided to head out of town to one of the villages to check out suitable desk chairs at a furniture outlet place. I wanted to check out how different seat feel so I can find the colour and type I want online. I found one that was lovely, but I’m not too sure about velvet – looks nice but I’m not sure how long it will last looking nice.
N had been talking all week about making pizza from scratch, so Friday was the day. Now tennis is really late, it means we have lots of time for tea at normal time. We used a Good Food fast pizza dough recipe and made 2 pizzas for them, then I made my own fathead dough pizza. It was a good tea, and N’s homemade pizzas were a great success. He even did the kneading himself – usually he passes that task over to me.
Tennis was a good session, although very loud as the noisy boy didn’t shut up all session again. Personally I’d pair up him with one of the quiet girls in the hope that would keep him quieter, but I think it’s a lost cause. I don’t think anything would keep him quiet. The playing fields that the courts are on have several garden’s backing onto them. Every spring and summer, one person puts out a table of plants and flowers for people to buy. This week, it was looking particularly colourful with bedding plants.

Saturday was a big day. Covid jab number 2 for me, so in the morning it was a trip over to the other town where our vaccination centre is. This time they didn’t bother getting the doctor over to check me – obviously as I’d had no bleeding after the first, they weren’t worried although I had to tell them my latest INR result to check it was in my range. This time I’ve been dosing up on paracetamol in the hope it wards off any side effects.
I had lunch back at home before heading into town for my hair appointment. Town is a nightmare traffic wise at the moment. Now everything’s opening up again, they’ve decided to close lots of roads, do all the roadworks at once. Luckily I wanted to go in early to get diesel, but it took 40 minutes when it should take 20 maximum. I couldn’t park where I wanted to because traffic was at a standstill by Banbury Cross. So I headed the other side of town to see if I could get there from the other side. Nope, standstill there, so just parked at a different car park I could reach.
I had a new hairdresser as I wasn’t pleased with the last one, and she always made me nervous with the way she cuts hair. This one was lovely – she lives not far from me, and was even looking at our school for her daughter, so we had a good chat. She listened to what I wanted, and although I ended up with it shorter than I’d planned, it’s nice. I’ve booked again with her, although I’m now moving to 12 week gap instead of my old 10 weeks because he is quite a bit more expensive. But hopefully I won’t now need to find another hairdresser. She did tell me where the last one I like moved to, so if this one falls through I can always try where she’s gone to.
It took me ages to get out of the car park – pay on exit is great, but not when the machine doesn’t recognise lots of the cars. So long queue for the payment machine, mine was fine. But got to the barrier and had to ring through because the barriers weren’t going up. Then the traffic was still all blocked up by roadwork traffic lights. I don’t intend to be going back into the town centre again until they’ve got rid of some of the road works.
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The homemade pizzas sound lovely, The tennis always sounds so hectic and disorganised to me. n must really love it though to keep going. Hope you got the chair sorted and that there were few/no side effects with the covid jab
Hope you didnt get any side effects from the vaccine I am patiently waiting for a date on my second although I have been told that I should be getting a text it has not turned up. Love the bedding plants and I am a sucker for all flowers at the moment. I totally understand where you are coming from with the hairdresser I have been going to the same one for 13 years and really wouldn’t want to change now
Sounds like a busy week with work and tennis and trips to the post office. Homemade pizza for tea sounds yummy. Those bedding plants are so colourful. Glad you’ve had your second jab now and that your new hairdresser is lovely. So nice to be able to have a haircut again. #project365
I think I would have ended up buying some of those plants….can never resist plants!
Glad you go your second dose…hope you didn’t get any side effects from it.
Don’t think I’ll be driving to Banbury any time soon then with traffic like that. Might risk a train instead over half term. I guess it’ll be strange to be back in the office again when it happens #365
So glad your desk is being made and you have hopefully found a chair you like. I’m mid declutter, started in December. I would love to try Vinted but I’m just giving stuff away when I can. I hope you were OK after having the second vaccine #365
It sounds like the tennis is going well and the selling on Vinted. Good job with the pizza making.
What pretty bedding plants. I am a sucker for buying things like that.
I hope you don’t have any side effects from the vaccine. xx