Project 52 2020 Week 2 – early tulips
As I always say, the week has whizzed by. This one really has. We were back at work and school, and both were busy.
On Sunday we headed down to the tennis courts during the junior time slot. We were the only ones there – obviously it was too cold for others. Finally I’m actually feeling like I can control the ball a bit more. I just need to run around a bit (and get serves over the net! Throwing the ball up straight is impossible). We didn’t do much else although N had his cousin over to play in the afternoon.
On Monday, it was back to work. Thankfully I woke up just before my alarm which I’d worried I’d not do. Monday was also the day I started my diet. I’m trying keto (or as near to that as I can manage). Surprisingly I had no lack of sugar headaches which I usually would if I’m on the first day of a diet.
Tuesday was manic like the rest of the week at work – forecasting time, plus our event is the end of the month, and planning for next year. N was back swimming in school after having been off for the last half term. It was also the OH’s birthday. It just passes him by, so he had a few presents – he was a bit concerned that everyone in the rest of the family bought him smellies (and chocolate).
On Wednesday, not much happened. N had to do drama at school – he really hates the lessons and finds them pointless (which they probably are for most children). He’s not going to be impressed when he hears that this year they’re adding a whole school performance and his Class are doing the main roles to try and encourage them to put themselves forward for shows in the future. It appears they fell short in taking part at Christmas.
Thursday I had to nip out at lunch to take a return back. The only thing with starting a new diet is I have to make sure I’ve got all the food in I want and should be eating. And as it’s largely fresh food, it needs buying regularly. I’m loving most of the recipes I’m finding. It’s nice to cook different things and just have to satisfy myself. I’m planning to just adapt our weekend meals as we eat a lot of meat and veg anyway, so I can just chop out the carbs.
On Friday I had to nightmare at lunchtime. I always nip out to whizz round Morrisons, but it was chaos in there. So many shelves were empty, and then the self serve tills were super busy with a checkout assistant who couldn’t really do everything and couldn’t keep up with all the tills beeping with issues. Usually it’s nice and smooth with their tills, so it was frustrating.
N had a school disco – he decided to go to for the first time since starting school, and did end up enjoying it. Then it was tennis, first one back. I now have 2 of N’s friends to take as well, but it all worked out well. It’s funny to hear what they chat about.
Saturday was shoot day on the farm, so I had the day to myself. It was a busy one – I had to nip into town for a couple of bits, including for party bags for N’s 9th ‘party’. Also did various chores – washing, folding, filling up the bird feeders. Did some jigsaw puzzle, then tried to do my tax return. Got to the end then realised I’d been using the previous year’s P60…and couldn’t find this years. It seems work never emailed it, but it’s on our intranet, so I won’t be able to finish it til Monday anyway when I can get it there. Frustrating.
This week’s photo is of my first flowers of the year.

The tulips look amazing! OoO keto, keep updating how that diet turns out. I’m not doing keto reducing my carb intake and increasing my protein intake. Nice to know it’s working out for you.
I’ve been hearing a lot about a Keto Diet but have no actual idea what it is, Goodluck! and may those sugar headaches go away.
Those tulips are beautiful, we have a tulip festival near us every year which I love going to. Such bright and vibrant colours and varieties.
Good luck with Keto, I find it hard to do that but I do know it works well for many. My teen HATES drama with a passion and is also miffed to find it’s part of her curriculum this year. I loved it and so does my son, but she is not a fan. Those tulips are so pretty! #project365
I’ve no idea what keto is, but hope the diet works for you. God, drama would be my son’s idea of absolute hell. He’s already worried about the Year 6 end of school play which he’ll have to take part in in 2021!! Do love tulips, mine always seem to flop over though #366
ooh keto diet? Do mention the progress of that diet in these posts. It seems like its going well. Lovely tulips
Love the flowers!
Good luck with the diet….reducing carbs really does help. I lost quite a bit of weight when I was watching my carbs
shame for N to be the only one who turned up, but handy for you to get some practice.
hate shops at the best of times, but more so when busy.
lovely purple colour tulips
I love tulips! Good luck with your diet. I gave up on diets, as they only work for me during the time of the diet, and then it all comes back with vengeance. You’re brave people to play tennis in the cold. Glad N enjoyed the disco night.
Happy belated birthday to OH!
Good luck with the keto diet. It does have a lot of choices. Those flowers are pretty. Glad N had a good time at the disco xx
Good luck with the keto diet, since I cut out wheat from my diet i’ve been craving sweet things and have little self control. Glad you’re enjoying the tennis and improving on your skills.
Will be interested to see how you get on with keto. I’ve been trying to cut down on carbs. I don’t mind doing without sugary things for a bit, but bread, pasta and potatoes are harder. Annoying about the tax return.
It sounds like a very busy week! Good luck with the diet. I have a friend who swears by keto, but she does make me laugh with it! She was hungry while we were out, so she went into a convenience store and bought a piece of cheese and walked around town eating it!
The tulips are lovely. My mum has got some too.
I have heard very good things about Keto. It is something I have been thinking about, so I will be interested to see how you get on with it. I have just paid my tax bill although still need to do the company one but not until May. Glad N had a good time at the disco and the tulips look lovely
Good luck with the diet. It sounds like it’s going well.
Those flowers are so pretty. I did think of buying some during the week to cheer myself up and brighten up the house x
I usually only remember to buy them in Spring and summer, but this year I’m starting early!