Project 52 2019 week 40 – sunset over tennis
This week has been a busy one in work, although for N it’s been a bit quieter. The weather has really turned more autumnal and I’m debating putting on socks and tights and changing to my winter shoes.
Here is our week 40 for project 52.
Sunday was a quiet day in terms of not doing much. N spent most of the day with his cousin over at ours, playing out in the garden. It’s so nice that they both love being outside whatever the weather and were quite happy getting the tennis and cricket sets out.
On Monday it was back to work and school. The weather wasn’t great so N was a bit peeved that at multisports after school club, they had to share the hall with the tennis club who had to come inside due to the rain.
Tuesday was mad at work with meetings pretty much all day. Generally I don’t have any meetings in my diary as I like to keep things free unless they really necessary. But this week has been a bit mad with 3 days just back-to-back meetings.
One of the usual swimming instructors has been off for a few weeks so N’s school swimming had a jiggle around with N’s teacher going to teach the stage 2 group. It meant that N’s group got to do rookie lifeguard skills with the usual lifeguard instructor. He said it was great fun and I think that he might end up wanting to do more of that in future, once he moves up another swimming level.
On Wednesday we took a mammoth bag of crisps into school for their new recycling bin. My work has been collecting crisp packets to recycle for a while now, but the person who takes them to the recycling collection point has to go to Buckingham. I offered to take them when she’s not around, and they gladly handed them over this week to me. I had to make it clear to school that it wasn’t us who was eating all those crisps because it was a pretty large bag and school were surprised how large it is. I’ve now got my brother on the case as well collecting them.
On Thursday, they announced the School Council and sports council reps. Sadly (but unsurprisingly) N didn’t get one of the roles. even though this year they gave it to 3.. N wasn’t impressed that 3 of the 4 from his year chosen are already or have been, on other committees. They are allowed to stand for different committees but not allowed on the same one more than once. It’s a shame though because those kids are always the ones that get voted, and it means that other children don’t get the chance to try it out. I’m hoping it hasn’t put him off trying out in Y5 and Y6. It’s a hard lesson knowing that you’re not the person everyone is going to vote for.
Friday was a rushed day trying to get everything done for work that needed to, the getting everything organised for tennis. It was a bit of a wait for N’s friend to be dropped off after a school club and get changed. It would be easier if I just picked him up straight from school because there be more time to play with, even with them doing their homework. They were a bit hyper in the car though.
There was only four of them at tennis which was a great number. It was a really good session with a focus on serving. N now has a couple of good tips to help him out and his serve really improved with him not serving any double faults. When they played King of the Court, he stayed on the longest and was unbeaten at the end.
Saturday was a lazy day. Nipped into town to pick up some bits for our evening meal and went to the bakery before swimming. There were only 5 of them in class today which is unusual and it was really hard work. N’s front crawl arms went to pots, as did his breathing. He said it was because they were using the little buoy floats between their legs which meant he couldn’t concentrate on the arms as he was trying to keep the float in without letting it go. They did finish on breaststroke legs though and it turns out that all the work he did on his breast stroke in level 4 worked. The instructor was asking the others to watch N’s leg action as he was swimming in.
The rest of the day was spent with N going out sloes and late blackberry picking with his uncle, and me trying to finish my puzzle.
This week’s project 52 photo was taken just before sunset at tennis. It won’t be long before they’re playing under floodlights.

Sorry to hear about the committee, I agree they should only be allowed to run for one. I hope he gives it another go. The picture is lovely we havent had sun here for so long… its so depressing.
Lovely sunset….not looking forward to the dark evenings though.
Oh no sorry to hear that he didn’t get a school council role. They should only let them be on one committee at a time to give others a chance too!
It’s not just 1 committee at a time. If there are kids who’ve never sat on a council then they should be the only ones to stand first time. Then if no new people want to, then others who have been on them should be allowed to stand. Or they should have 1 position vote only and 1 teacher picked. No guarantees of getting a position but at least you’d hope the 2nd wouldn’t be down to having lots of friends. When you’ve got a huge year group over capacity like N’s year vs others which are some way under, it means there’s so much more competition it can stop people even bothering to try
That’s such a shame about the council, but a wonderful thing that N felt confident enough to stand in the first place. I know my son wouldn’t at all. Fingers crossed he wants to try again next year #365
I think learning lifeguard skills would be really useful and fun too. I have all kinds of issues with the schools and these roles too Hugs x
the lifeguard skills are fun, i’ve never forgotten mine from a teen and have put them to use as an adult on more than one occasion in the sea and a river. It helped me become a stronger swimmer, made me think about the strength of each stroke rather than just swimming
Yes, it’s been quite chilly in the last week, I had put the heating on, just to warm up the house in the mornings.
Fab idea to recycle the crisps packets. A shame our local council does nothing about it, they even stopped collecting flyaway plastic, such a shame.
Beautiful sunset.
I do like your sunset photo. A pity about the committees – you’d think the school would try to share them out a bit better. It was always the same kids at our primary too.
I love that sunset photo. It’s very similar to the view at our athletics club when the sun sets. It sounds like another good week of tennis and swimming for N.
Sorry to hear N didn’t get voted onto a committee. My eldest used to apply for pupil council every single year and finally got it in year 6. It was really good because he was the chair, and his teacher said she’d never known such an enthusiastic committee member! Coincidentally, my younger son was on the committee at the same time, so that worked out well.
oh dear at the back to back meetings, difficult to remember everything for each one.
We have had frosty starts more than once this week as well.
The life guard training sounds interesting.
It has been chilly. I’ve been on with hunting out the gloves and wooly hats.
What a beautiful sunset. You’re right it won’t be long until it’s dark not long after school x