Project 52 2020 week 46 – Warwickshire views
Same old same old for us here. Just working from home, school, and farming. Our lodgers are still having their 2 boyfriends over to stay, so they’re certainly not following lockdown rules. From what people are saying, town is like normal with people going to shops because they fancy a look round those that are open, rather than just for the essentials. The mind boggles at how people think a wander round a shop ‘because it’s open and we’re passing’ constitutes going out for essentials only.
I’m getting Christmas present buying done. Only the OH and in laws to do, plus I should get something for my brother (although he won’t care) and I usually get something small for my goddaughter to open too. Most of the kids in the family now just get money as they’re all secondary and older. I still have no idea what the OH would want though, so any ideas welcome for a husband who likes practical gifts.
Here’s my week 46 for Project 52.
On Sunday it was another lazy day. Just some vacuuming, puzzling and reading, bit of Christmas film watching. I’m getting a backlog because N doesn’t go out on the farm as much and when he’s in wants to play Farming Simulator all the time. I did make a passion fruit roulade for pudding which worked really well. It’s handy finding new go to puddings I can add to my list for when we can all do get togethers again, when we take a dessert.
Monday I had got organised and starting selling my puzzles. The only problem is then I see others on sale I want to buy. But I do need to clear out. 5 gone, 1 to confirm, and about 30 to get rid of still.
On Tuesday I just worked, N was at school. I popped out while the weather was dry to take some photos of the last of the apples.
Wednesday more of the same. I nipped out to the post office to post jigsaws. There were lots of cars around and the village post office was as busy as usual. It only opens half days, and the next nearest one is about 7 miles away, so a few villages use it. I noticed that there was a Tots 100 update – and I’m now at my highest ever ranking in the Tots parenting blogs list, at number 23. Lots of people aren’t keen on it but when you’re not a blogger who wins awards or gets lots of work, it’s nice to see some results for the hard work we do.
We had a call from N’s teacher letting us know how he did in his term assessments and how he’s getting on so far. All good in terms of application and pleasure having him in class. Things are going ok for where he needs to be at this stage in year 5, so hopefully he’ll continue working hard and improving as the year goes on. The children will be told how they got on once all parents have been told. It seems a good way of doing it, although N is quite interested.
On Thursday I took the car out for a drive up to a nearby small town so I could do a Collect+ courier drop off. I love the views as you drive from Oxfordshire and drive down into Warwickshire. I had to stop on the way back and take some photos across the fields. It was a beautiful day.

Friday is always a good day because it’s a short work day. It means I can pick up N and just relax afterwards. I wrote a few blog posts, then could spend a bit more time making tea as there’s no tennis on at the moment.
Saturday was a dismal day weather wise. N was mostly at home other than going out to walk the dog under duress from the OH. I finished another puzzle, made some dubious Mary Berry scones (my Delia ones are failsafe so will be reverting back) and read quite a bit of my book. A really lazy day again. Sunday will be more productive as school have a bags 2 schools clothing collection this week, and I need to get all our old clothes sorted and bagged up.
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Clearing out the jigsaws in our house sounds like it would be a good plan too – I’ll add it to the list of things that need to be done ! Hope you’ve managed to get your Christmas shopping finished now – men are always hard to buy for !
The “it’s open and we’re passing” thing drives me nuts. The weather has been awful this week and customers are moaning that they have to queue outside – well if you bring your aunts, sisters, cousins and kids with you, it means that people following the rules and coming alone cannot shop as we are restricting numbers in store. Those views are beautiful, you live in a lovely part of the country
Good luck with coming up with an idea for a Christmas present for your OH – mine is hard to buy for as well so I can sympathise. Passion fruit roulade sounds yummy. Well done on your Tots100 ranking. Beautiful photo from your drive. #project366
Where did you find such beautiful blue skies last week? I thought it was all grey and dismal.
Do you sell your puzzles on ebay or on local FB groups? Fingers crossed, you get to sell all your puzzles.
I haven’t started buying presents for Christmas yet, only got a Christmas jumper for Eddie, but most likely he will wear it for the Christmas jumper day in school.
In a couple of jigsaw facebook groups. Could put them on ebay but my previous seller experience was getting bad on there, so I avoid now.
Pretty much the same here too… not a lot going on. That roulade sounds amazing. Well done on getting some of the puzzles sold. I need to do some bits but I struggle to find time to list things. Lovely view it makes all the difference when the sun is out.
It is a hassle. One group let me just add a google doc list, which worked well, but the other group insist on photos and details on each , so that takes a lot longer.
Well done with your tots ranking! Always nice when you get to your highest point yet! The passion fruit roulade sounds fab, would have loved to have seen a photo. Food photos are my favourite. Great job getting Christmas presents almost sorted. I never have much to buy, only my boys, parents, brother and in-laws. Oh and my pets haha I mustn’t forget them!
Thankfully all the 6 nephews and niece get money now, so it’s pricy but no effort. And we don’t do adults apart from the OH’s parents, each other and my brother. So not too many – aside from my best friend and her 2 kids. But they’re easy to buy for. It’s the OH that’s a nightmare. No idea still and I’ve got his birthday in January too. I’m hoping to get up the recipe at some point, but my photos were pretty rubbish of it.
We do live in a beautiful part of the world, don’t we. I’m so glad we don’t do adult presents at Christmas here. Hard enough thinking of something for the OH for his birthday! #366
Well done on the tots ranking! I fell this month just out of the top 100 on Tots but was expecting that.
Love that picture…such a beautiful view!
yes sadly it is the people having a wander because they can that is pushing the numbers up and up.
I think same old same old sums up the year sadly.
The puddings sound lovely, good luck with the puzzle selling. Lovely to hear N is doing well with his schooling, seems ironic that he is plying inside on a farming game, well done to hubby for dragging him out for a walk.
All shops are open here but have to close by 10pm. Even if it’s non-essentials, people’s businesses need to run and there are people going to every sort of shops. OoOOO jigsaws. Congrats on the tots rating.
I am just about done with the present buying too. Hooray!
Good luck with your puzzle selling. Have a clear out and then buy more. hehehe
Well done with the Tots score. I’m at 70 something. I’ve been in the hundred on and off for the last few years which amazes me when I know I am not a big blogger.
What a gorgeous view! It really was a beautiful day! x
Same for me apart from one blip. It’s lucky really because my FB, twitter and IG have all been declining, although have been working hard on my IG recently again. Want to get well past 4.5k. Get within 10 and then drop again, unless I start following loads of people.