Project 52 2019 week 51 – tractor run
We rapidly heading to the end of the year and now on to week 51 of project 52. School’s broken up and I’ve got a couple of weeks off work as well.
Here is our week 51.
Sunday was a quiet one at home. We put up the Christmas tree – it took 3 attempts to get the lights up properly. Then N started putting baubles on before we put on the bead garlands. So we just have baubles this year – very pretty but it looks a bit naked when the lights aren’t on.
On Monday, it was just a normal work and school day. I finished another Wasgij puzzle – I think I’ve done about 5 this year.
Tuesday and Wednesday were pretty normal days. N was pleased that we eventually put the Christmas presents under the tree.
Thursday was the last day of school. It was open morning so I got to check out N’s work before heading off to work. When I got to pick up, I was just in time to join in with the audience participation 12 days of Christmas song.
In the evening we popped over to another village to meet up with friends to go and watch the tractor run. This year there were 103 tractors taking part all with Christmas lights on, in aid of the local hospice.
Friday school holidays started, and we had a busy morning. We spent about 45 minutes waiting in the barbers because N drastically needed a hair cut. He wanted to keep it a bit longer on top which the OH has moaned about. It looks fine. Then we finished some other shopping and chores. I had to remember to finish my online shop for Christmas too.
On Saturday we needed to head to the bakery. I’d planned a new recipe for tea, but then N informed me we were going to the farm for tea as an old school friend of the OH’s was coming for dinner. I’ve never heard about this person in all the years we’ve been together, so it’s a bit of a mystery. (Edit: maybe if I got told all the information I’d remember. She came to our wedding…oops! Not a mystery once I saw her walk in).

How fab is the tractor run? My youngest would love that. Hope you had a lovely Christmas x
How cool is the tractor run! My little one would love that. I prefer Monkey’s hair a little longer on the top. Hope you had a lovely Christmas
the tractor run looks great, well done on remembering the mystery friend, my husband fails to give me the full info and I often don’t remember people I’ve met before, until I see them
My son didn’t want to watch the tractor run this year, seems that he’s grown out of them now. But the pictures I saw looked fab, glad you got there. You’ve done better than I have trying to get my son to have his hair cut! He’s holding out until January which hasn’t gone down well with his Dad.
Hope you had a good Christmas and enjoyed the dinner date with your OH’s old friend #365
Oh wow didn’t realise there was such a thing as a tractor run.
Bet it looked amazing with all those tractors and lights!
the tractor run sounds fun and different.
Glad you recognised your mystery guest.
Enjoy your time off work.
The tractor run sounds like a lot of fun! It looks fabulous! I bet seeing over 100 is amazing !
Merry Christmas x
The tractor looks amazing. 103 of them must have been a stunning sight!
Yes, 103, with a few cars inbetween clusters as they got let in. It’s great for the kids (although the girls with us weren’t as excited by us adults)