Rubik's puzzles challenge and fun - Bubbablue and me

Reminiscing childhood toys and Rubik’s puzzles for Christmas gifts

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The original Rubik’s cube has been around for years and is a childhood toy memory for many children of the 80s all the way to the present day.  It’s still going today, but now there are more Rubik’s puzzles in the range.  If you’re looking to gift something that children (and adults) of any age will get hooked on, that isn’t a screen or computer game, then Rubik’s might be your solution.  We were sent several Rubik’s puzzles to try out and have been having fun and reminiscing ever since.

Rubik's puzzles challenge and fun - Bubbablue and me

Rubik’s puzzles of my childhood

Rubik’s in my youth started when my Grandad bought me a traditional 3×3 Rubik’s cube in 1981 when I went into hospital to have my tonsils taken out.  I was so pleased I could keep solving it…until he came back and mixed it up too much, so I never got past solving more than one side!

I was later given a Rubik’s snake as a birthday present which I could do everything with (much to my brother’s annoyance as he could never work out the ball shape), and we also had Rubik’s Magic which was really satisfying to solve.  Back in the 80s, there was no internet solution to look up, so I’ve never completed the cube.  But now I’ve got the next generation of Rubik’s puzzles and games to try, there’s no stopping me. I’m determined to solve them, until N gets to them and mixes up my progress again.

Gifting Rubik’s

Rubik’s have recently done a survey of 2000 respondents and found that a third of all parents would choose the Rubik’s Cube as a stocking filler for children this Christmas. I love this idea, and I could definitely see a Rubik’s puzzle being added to N’s Christmas present pile, as well as possibly sending one for my godson’s present too.

rubik's puzzle range

I have to admit that I’ve only let N and his 11 year old cousin at the Rubik’s cubes and games we were sent to try out, after I’d had a go.  There’s so many in the range now, there’s something for everyone.

playing with Rubik edge

I’m working my way to up solving a 3×3 cube by starting with the Rubik’s Edge.  The Edge is new to the Rubik’s range, and is just a single layer of the larger puzzle with 9 cubes in the square. You can make lots of different shapes with it.  It’s a great starter piece with 192 views.

rubik's edge

My next challenge which is still ongoing is the Rubik’s 2×2 cube. I got so far through, and I’m determined to complete it, but I need to find time to cheat and look up a solution for where I’ve got to.  N now isn’t allowed to touch it until I complete it. He’ll have to get out the 3×3 cube or the Rubik’s Cage which is a game that players can reshuffle to flummox their opponent.

playing rubik's 2z2

We’re loving the different look and feel of the Rubik’s Orbit where you’ve got to match all 6 sides of the 360 rings to be the same colour. It’s definitely hard to get your head round moving the shapes around. It’s for those who want more challenge, and I’ll let N loose on that one.

Whether Santa’s delivering a Rubik’s puzzle or you’re buying one of the games like Rubik’s Match or Cage for games night, Rubik’s will keep you hooked. They’re all small enough to pop into a bag on a day out, or leave in the car to entertain children.

You can buy the Rubik’s range from toy shops and online. (Affiliate links below for Amazon)

Are you a Rubik’s fan? Would you gift them?

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  1. I love Rubik’s cubes! I remember saving ALL of my pocket money one year to get one and my dad muddled it up and I was so annoyed with him because I could never figure out how to fix it! Hahaha. It still exists somewhere, I will have to try and dig it out! #reminiscing

    1. Just like my Grandad did to mine! Nowadays, there’s google to find out how to do it. No idea how people managed to back in my childhood days!

  2. Oh wow I honestly didn’t know there were so many new options!! I got the Rubik’s cube one Christmas when I was very young and I remember all the adults fighting to have a go Christmas Day 🙂

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