School Days – 500 words and non-school reading
Back to school after half term, and the realisation that it’s only 4 weeks until Easter. It seem nuts how quickly the year is going. But that summer term’s going to be a long one.
Here’s this week’s School days
Arts day
N’s not been so chatty this week about school, apart from them having an ‘arts’ day with lots of music, drama, and dance from one of the mum’s who is a dance teacher. ‘Mummy, it was better because she’s a proper dance teacher, and we learnt these moves’. Interesting the way N showed me them at superspeed. Although he did say he couldn’t remember the next move because they were quite hard.
N’s swimming lessons in school continue. They’re so lucky because they have 3 years of swimming in school, then a few random sessions in the summer in the top class as well. N said his friend has now moved up to the middle lesson ‘because he’s better on his front’. I just wish this kind of thing would make him want to work harder. While he does do exactly what he’s told in swimming and has progressed massively in the last year technically, he just won’t get the distance up on his front. Swimming twice a week you’d think would give him the extra boost to get that extra 10 metres he needs for his next badge. Maybe in the Easter badge swim he’ll eek out the distance.
Non-school reading
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We’ve finally managed to get N to try reading a book that’s not a school reading book. While away the other week, we bought a couple of new books to read, and it turns out Captain Underpants was interesting enough for him to read a few chapters himself. It seems giving N a chapter book with chapters that are shorter than the school books he reads. He only read a few chapters, and we’re now back to school books, but there is hope that he’s found that he can read other books with only a little effort.
500 words stories
N is like me. He’s not a creative writer (or story teller). But this week he’s started writing a couple of stories. He kept talking about the 500 Words BBC Radio 2 competition, and kept counting the sentences he wrote. But he didn’t get past 2 sentences on either story, both of which had a similar theme.
He really needs to start using more adjectives and actually get into the story before giving up. Hopefully over the rest of the year he’ll start to get that better.
What’s been going on with your kids and school recently?