Thoughtful boy

School days – Learner of the week

The first week back after half term and it’s been full pelt. N’s been staying up later than normal so we’ve had less school based conversations before bed. He’s mostly had a lot of questions about the older children’s school trip where they’ve been away for the week.

Learner of the week and VIP

As usual, the reason for N’s VIP sticker this week was a bit of a mystery.  He was awarded it by the PGCE teacher in his class, and he muttered something about maths and writing. So really I’ve no idea what it was for.

N was also given Learner of the Week award this week, for his maths.  Maths is something that N’s always enjoyed, and says he finds easy (although he was quite happy to refuse to do the homework he was set this week for it).

Thoughtful boy

School trip FOMO

The year 5/6s go on a week’s trip away each year to do adventure activities.  N was really interested in the trip, and wanted to know everything they would be doing while away.  I’m not sure he was too keen to be staying away from home for that amount of time, but seeing as he’s got a few years to wait, he doesn’t need to worry too much.

There was a benefit to the class being away. The year 1s from N’s class have been using the empty classroom for their quiet writing time.  According to N, the reception kids are too noisy and disruptive when the year 1s need time to do their writing. Another downside to them not being moved up with the rest of their peers yet.

N is excited about his year’s next class trip out though. They’ve got a multi-skills sports morning at the catchment secondary school coming up, so he’s looking forward to that.


I really need to have a list of what goes to school and what comes back.  This week we lost 2 jumpers, although one turned back up from school, and the other appeared from one of the farm vehicles.  But the water bottle is missing. We’ve checked home, school and the car he was taken to after school club in.

I’m just hoping now that either someone else picked it up and it’ll make its way back into school next week, or that it’s at after school club.  The problem is that the OH quite often goes and picks N up from there and he doesn’t think to check what N is bringing out with him.

School shoes

Like last year, N’s decided that straight after summer half term his school shoes are too small. Typical, with only a few weeks of the year left.  I’m hoping that the slightly larger spare pair we have hanging around will be ok, otherwise I’ll need to make an emergency visit to a supermarket or similar to pick up a pair.

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