School days – sport relief and tennis bumps
This week’s School Days has predominantly been about sport, with a whole week of sports for Sport Relief. Here’s this week’s School Days.
Sport Relief challenges
Each day everyone was taking part in 4 challenges the teachers set, so star jumps etc, and each day they had to try and beat their previous day’s score. I saw N’s scorecard at the end of the week. I’m not sure he did 150 star jumps in a minute, so I think there was a bit of making up scores on some days.
On Friday, the did a school fun run just after school drop off. 8 laps of the field (a mile) and parents could take part. I’m always glad I have to head off to work! N told me a mile is nothing and that he can’t always run that easily. Hmmm, glad he thinks so.
They were all in on the Friday in sports gear as well. It looked delightful on N though because indoors he only had his school shoes to wear – white sports socks, black school shoes and jogging trousers which he never pulls down so look half mast. Cringe.
Target Assembly
N’s school (along with other schools in the catchment) have targets for each year group. They have to show that they’ve understood and done the objectives for literacy and maths, so many times before they’re ticked off. And when they’ve completed a number of them they get a certificate. N was awarded his silver, like most of the children in the year group.
Sports danger
On Monday, N came home from school with a bump on his nose. I thought it must have been from one of the othe children’s racket or a ball, but it turned out to be from the coach’s. I’m not sure what N was doing stood so close to the coach. It hurt for a couple of days, then turned yellow and was then fine. No damage done.
Reading progress
Yay, it seems we’re finally back onto level 8 reading books again. Bizarrely, the ones he’s been bringing home are only 16 pages and seem easier than the previous level 7 he was reading. N can easily read through those pages in one short session, and he’s had a couple of great comments from TAs listening to him read. Now we’re trying to get him to read with more expression.
And there’s even been a couple of attempts (and agreement to try) to read his Wigglesbottom Primary books. Even if it’s just a page at a time, he’s reading non-school books. N also said that he likes reading books to himself. So maybe he’s getting there towards doing his own reading
This week he’s looking forward to lots of Easter fun and preparation. Including a trip to one of the farm’s his dad does work on, for a lambing day.
What’s been going on with your children at school this week?