School days – beginning of year 2
The first week of term is complete and it’s been a good one here so far. Hopefully your children have had a good week too, and those new to school are enjoying it and settling in well. This is the first School Days linky back after the summer so if you’ve got any school themed posts, then do come and link up.
Here’s what the first week had here:
N’s now in year 2, so new classroom, back in with all the rest of his year, with a few year 1s as well. So far he’s loving being in Year 2.
The first week back ended with N being VIP, given to him for his maths work.
Class dog
N is obsessed about the Year 2 soft toy dog. He’s been going on about it all week, and is already planning what he has to do the weekend that it’s his turn to have it.
So far so good with N’s maths. He’s enjoying it again, and on the first day back found it so easy and impressed the teacher, so she’s moved him up onto a harder table to see how he goes with that work. I’m pleased It’s going well, because maths is his stronger subject, so it’s good there’s something he finds easier, rather than having to slog hard with his literacy.
Playground fun
Last year N spent a lot of time in the playground avoiding playing football, and sticking with playing on the play equipment with 1 or 2 other children. But so far this year there seems to be a big crowd of their year playing together. Cops and robbers was played a couple of days, and N seems happy to be playing with a group, including different people to usual.

N’s school go swimming from year 2. So next week N will start swimming with the school. He was looking forward to it, but now he’s realised he’s going to have to go in the men’s changing room (I’m the only person who’s ever taken him swimming). And he won’t be able to wear his rash vest (which I warned him about months ago) because when it’s wet he can’t take it off.
I’m dreading losing clothes because I’m sure he won’t have time to put his uniform back into his swimming bag after getting changed. We’ve already lost his new school sweatshirt – god knows where he’s left that given he doesn’t really swap round classrooms anymore.
Hopefully he’ll be fine once he gets there – it’s at his usual swimming pool, although I’m not sure which teachers take the lessons. While it would be helpful to have the same teacher as usual, I think it would be good for him to have the other one because she’s a bit more gungho about just getting the kids to try things, forcing them to progress quicker. All of her younger group are swimming without swim floats while N’s been allowed to get away with his for way too long so his front crawl needs a lot of work to get him stronger. 10 metres is painful whereas on his back he can do pretty good technique for 25 metres. Fingers crossed it goes ok.
Glad it’s going well and he’s mixing with others at playtime. I’ve been rather impressed that everything came back from swimming on Monday here #schooldays
My middle one has just moved into Year 2 however as she’s one of the youngest in her year her class is mainly made up of Year 1s this time.
Well done on the VIP status!
Ah, that’s the way my old primary school used to do it- 2 years over 3 classes according to age. N’s school only split year 1, and it’s dependent on readiness for doing more sitting down and learning/whether they’re ready across the board. His writing and reading wasn’t the confidence they wanted, but he still went up for different subjects like maths and topic. All very complicated. Hope yours are all going ok.
It sounds like he’s doing well! My daughter has just started swimming with the school but she’s in year 6 and can swim very well so I haven’t been that worried about it. I’m sure she’ll still lose some clothes!
Wow that’s late to start swimming with school. I thought schools had to provide swimming lessons from age 7 so year 3. Ours do it earlier – year 2-4 go. He seemed fine this morning, we’ll see how it goes when he gets picked up from after school club