musical exploration badge

Singalong car journey

I think I’ve mentioned before how much N enjoys music. I’m pleased because I’ve got pretty eclectic tastes so it’s going to be great if he ends up really into music too (rather than the OH who’s tastes are pretty limited to Guns n Roses – the old stuff, and err, Guns n Roses).

Today we had a journey to the doctors to check whether some spots which had appeared while he was at nursery, meaning he was sent home, were infectious. Coming back it was dark (tangent – I always wonder what he thinks sitting in the back seat in the dark?!) and the radio content was a bit on the boring side, so I decided to offer him a bit of a sing song. Usually he has to have me singing along to Radio 2 or whatever CD’s in or on the ipod), but today we had Old MacDonald Had a Farm.

I didn’t realise how amusing a song it is, but apart from a couple of attempts at ‘ee i ee i o’ singing with me, he just giggled…and giggled. Nonstop through 2 verses! It was the pigs that did it, he was fine with sheep and cows. But the pigs and horses set him off. So funny, it made for a lovely drive home having a laugh together in the dark.

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