Sun, rain and outdoor fun
One of the best things about beautiful weather is being able to take stunning photos. This weekend’s definitely had some great weather, and there’s been a lot of photo opportunities amongst the weekend’s outdoor fun.
For us it started after nursery on Friday when I dug out the frame paddling pool I bought in last year’s sales. N got very excited about having it put up as the day before he’d spent his nursery afternoon in someone’s paddling pool as part of their end of term fun day. We had to ‘borrow’ the lodgers’ hose and tap next door, as our outdoor tap is over their side of the garden. It took a lot of patience waiting for it to fill, but quicker than having it filled from the kitchen sink via watering can!

No faffing about, N was straight out of his clothes and into the paddling pool.

Even on Saturday morning when we had more rain, N wanted to be playing by the paddling pool.

Obviously ice lollies have been required this weekend…he even asked for one as pudding, rather than having the yummy victoria sponge I’d baked!

Sunday was a full day so we made use of our Compton Verney annual pass, visiting with a friend and her baby. It’s always a lovely walk around there, we had some lunch and a good chat. N just liked being outside and having the freedom to do what he wanted.

It was Granny’s birthday as well. N wanted to carry the flowers we’d bought her, over to the farm. It was so sweet seeing him carrying them – let’s get him started early in giving flowers to girls in the hope it’ll be natural to him as he grows up!

What did you get up to this weekend? Did you get the thunderstorms too?
You are so right. I love taking summer photos. I’m a really bad photographer and during the summer months I look like I can take a pretty decent photo. Oh well, summer is almost over so I will be back to taking crappy photos.
Great share a #letkidsbekids
Me too. Or I’ll have to start learning to use my manual settings on my point and shoot camera. Always a problem when the only times you’re home to take photos is early mornings and evenings both of which are dark.
Thanks. He is cute, but then I am biased. The weather was funny and extreme, but nice that the rain was only for a short while.
The photo carrying the flowers is so beautiful
Aww I love that he wanted to be out in the pool even though it was raining – my two were just the same – noses pressed up against the glass to see if it had stopped raining!
Oh cute. They do love the outdoors which is brilliant. Now he’s old enough to play out with me indoors – so I can stay dry!
Sounds like a fab weekend. The kids in our street can often be seen running around with glee on their faces in the pouring rain, there’s something quite magical about it 🙂
Fun in the paddling pool is always great. I had a paddling pool just like that when I was little.
Thanks for linking #LetKidsBeKids
Ah, now I had a round one…although we never put it up! Must make more effort for N.
Love it that he’s out by his pool in the rain.. They’re just not bothered about getting wet are they! I want to be like that 🙂
Definitely great they’re not worried. Although bizarrely, N’s not usually a fan of the rain. Obviously the excitement of the paddling pool.
There is nothing better than the paddling pool! lol Even in the rain. I love it. What a sweet post. N really is an outdoor little one, exploring. Best way to be too! Rain or shine. #livingarrows
I think it’s going to be hard once we’re in Autumn and the darker evenings mean he can’t play out. He’s going to be gutted!