Television fan
Since being ill, N’s started to take more notice of tv. My fault entirely as I’ve had to work from home to look after him, and he’s not been ill enough to sleep all day and wants my attention, so having the tv on does allow me to get some work done while he potters and watches a bit of it.
Usually we don’t have children’s tv on. He’s never been worried about it before, plus my theory is that I’ll likely have to suffer quite a lot of it when he’s older, so the later I can stall him, the better! But the last couple of days he’s seen a bit of Mr Bloom’s Nursery (good god, his voice is annoying – so fake and enthusiastic), some programme up a lift with a male and female presenter (See something, do something, or something like that – he’s ok, she’s mega annoying and the programme seems so dull), and a bit of Raa Raa the Lion (seems fun, and it’s short).

He did seem more excited by anything with some music so he could jig along, and was clapping along with the Sainsbury’s advert this afternoon. Thankfully although he did seem to have the glazed look at one point, 5 minutes at a time was plenty for him, so hopefully he’ll still not be that bothered ongoing.
But blimey, he’s hard work when he’s off colour. I thought he was better this morning as there was no temperature but then he got hotter again, and wasn’t eating all his food like usual. Hopefully that’s it now…2-3 days is plenty (we’ll be missing yet another swimming session tomorrow and we’ve got lots planned for the weekend). Just want my happy cheery boy back.