The best of 2018 blog posts
To one of my favourite posts of the year, a chance to reread old posts, reminisce and enjoy reminding myself of everything we’ve done over 2018. In blog format.
The start of the year meant N turned 7, and with it decided he didn’t want his photos on the blog or social media anymore. Sad times, but it’s not been too hard to change. Although I feel it does lose the personality, and also the ability for him to look back and really remember what all our trips were like. He also got to try out driving in a firefly. We also got out and about to the new Westgate Oxford shopping centre and to National Trust properties.
Top post: Starting a flatlay photography prop box
Favourite post: Helping encourage children to read – we still struggle getting N to read anything outside of school books but I’m not losing faith.
We went on a mini break all of an hour’s drive away. It was really interesting to be a tourist near home. Winter weather was there in force.
Top post: Books to inspire reluctant readers age 7-11
Favourite post: Improving pinterest success in 6 steps, I loved writing this mammoth post, and it’s nice to think others can get help through some basic but effective steps.

March was still cold, we went to our first ever football match (in the snow, I’ve never been so cold) and with the cold weather the jigsaw puzzles were still being done.
Top post: My reading habits and how to make time to read
Favourite post: The etiquette of thank you letters, which reminds me N still needs to write his after Christmas
We began to plan our camping trip and get it organised. A trip to Oxford for the Gromit trails and alovely meal at The Alchemist. I also went on my first A Year with my Camera local meet up. There were only 3 of us, but it meant we could really get to know each other and compare photography notes.
Top post: A chance to see Blenheim Palace through the lens
Favourite post: The best thing about kids at every age, a celebration of children.
I wrote a lot more parenting and opinion posts in May compared with normal. Sometimes I just get a bit moany and lots comes out. May also sent us to some great photo spots and outdoor experiences like Stanwick Lakes and Rousham Gardens, ending in half term and time away in Bath.
Top post: Lensball photography tips and tricks
Favourite post: Why parents shouldn’t feel guilty sending children to nursery
June was another busy month at the tail end of a late half term. I visited the Blenheim flower festival and N and I went to Bath for a few days.
Top post: Floral season calendar for photographers
Favourite post: Best British seaside towns and beaches because it makes you realise what great places there are in the UK, and who couldn’t wish they were at the beach at this time of year.
The end of year 2 at school and a really good year there for N. That included a sports day where he got on the podium for the first time, and a slight interest was raised in football thanks to the World Cup and England’s progress. Then we kicked off the summer holidays with a camping trip back to Woolacombe again.
Top post: Number 1 camping tip for kids
Favourite post: Double swimming achievement. Because why shouldn’t I be able to reread back how N did at swimming after all these years of lessons.
I was lucky enough to get 2 weeks off across August which meant plenty of time out exploring on days out. We went to Countryfile Live and saw The Shires and Newton Faulkeer play live, Visited Liverpool for the CBBC Summer Social festival which N loved, and my friend in Liverpool where we did the Bee in the City trail. We also went out nearer home to National Trust and a (little bit strange) theatrical performance in woodland.
Top post: Why parents need to take heed of school uniform rules
Favourite post: reminiscing about summer and great body boarding on our camping holiday.
September started off with our first family holiday in 4 years as the OH came away with us to Devon. Beach days and relaxation before school started again. Back into year 3. I also explored new National Trust places and we enjoyed a local agricultural show.
Top post: Great party bag fillers for 8-10 year olds
Favourite post: Best instagrammable places in Oxford – I loved exploring new places and old haunts in Oxford. There’s so much colour in our towns and cities today.
I love October, it’s my birthday month, plus there’s half term. We had a few days out, discovering a new amazing soft play place and country park. And we visited Gullivers Land where N got obsessed with wire/rope courses, and Woburn Safari Park. We also started in the Asmodee Board Game Club, so got into games again. N also started his mini red tennis match experience.
Top post: Another 30 things for kids to do before turning 13.
Favourite post: avoiding being a stereotypical bad sports parent. I’m not the most patient, and I’m very competitive, so writing this reminded me that it’s my job to support and not to get too involved with any opinions I have while watching.
Top post Why being a school mum is like project manager
Favourite post Children singing for children as I’m so proud of N sticking with the choir, and that he is always singing. and the Either Or tag I pulled together because everyone wants to have a nosy at what we bloggers like.
We went on our traditional visit to Waddesdon and we left it later, but it was still as Christmassy as ever. Otherwise we had a fairly relaxing December ending in a new years eve party for the first time in 16 years.
Top post: how spelling and grammar is still important.
Favourite posts: learning to ride with gears and in tribute to my love of sappy Christmas movies, my Christmas film bingo.
Thanks for reading over the last year and hope you’ll join me again this year. Le me know if you’ve got a favourite post.
I’m linking my Best of 2018 up to Share your year, so do go and check out some of the other bloggers’ posts.
It’s a shame N doesn’t want to be featured but so good that you respect his wishes! You had a lot of fun sounding days out and trips this year, and I’ve just started the ‘Year with your Camera’ course too so great to hear there are local meetups sometimes! Thanks so much for linking up to #ShareYourYear!
It sounds like you’ve had a busy year! It’s a shame N doesn’t want to be on the blog anymore – luckily both my boys still love having their picture taken and being on the internet, for now at least! #ShareYourYear
It’s been a long year without him. He’s now saying he wants a youtube channel, but doesn’t seem to have realised that he can’t do that and not be on social media with the type of channel he wants to do lol.
Sounds like an fun and eventful year! I had the same reading issues with one of my boys, he’s now in year 4 and loves to read – when he remembers to pick up a book – I’m back to square one with my other boy who is in year 1 and struggling to read easily and finding it frustrating but I’m hoping there’s light at the end of the tunnel!
I’ll have to pop over and read your post about being a sports parent! Something we do a lot of in this house. Hope your little ones changes his mind about not being in photos but totally respect that you are going along with his wishes. Happy 2019 to you all! #shareyouryear
It’s been a year this month. What makes me laugh is he wants his own nerf youtube channel. Then I reminded him he’s got noone to shoot (being an only child), who’s going to video and edit. Oh and the fact he doesn’t want to be on social media. He gave up on that idea the!