Say no to mum guilt over lazy holiday time
This Christmas has been the laziest Christmas holiday for as long as I can remember. We’ve done hardly anything. And that’s ok. There’s no reason to feel mum guilt.
But it’s hard not to feel bored or want to do more. We did visit Waddesdon Manor on the first Sunday of the holidays. It turned out to be a great time to visit. But I think we’re going to have to take friends with us in future as I’m sure N will get bored before too many years of visiting.
Otherwise, I’ve suggested we go out for the day and N just hasn’t wanted to go. He’s announced he never really enjoys the places we visit, that he’s just pretended. He’s put a ban on visiting National Trust, but that’s not going to happen and I’m sure he’l grow up and look back on the places he went to as a child with fondness as I now do when I look back.
Apart from Waddesdon, a trip to the park and cinema, and soft play, I think we’ve both run out of ideas for places to visit. I like to visit new places but winter means many places are closed. Others aren’t suitable for outdoor playgrounds unless you can cope with the cold or wet for a decent length of time. So we’ve pottered at home a lot instead.

I’m not really a fan of being at home. It makes me think of everything that needs doing.
Thinking of meals to cook.
My tax return.
And all the blogging I want and need to get done. But can’t because N is generally at home as he’s gone off going out on the farm. I don’t want him on Youtube all day which he’d do given the chance, so we’ve played lots of games, he’s done Lego building, and baked etc.
He’s happy, but I’d rather be out exploring rather than sitting at home. We’ve had lovely family time, but it feels more enclosed and stifling being at home al the time.
This second week of holidays we’ve arranged lots of playdates and meeting up with friends. So I get adult conversation while the boys all get to catch up and play together. It was hard to think of places to visit that don’t need driving for ages, don’t cost a fortune and that entertains children who might like totally different things.
While I might look back and be disappointed at the lack of proper days out when we’ve had 2 weeks off, we have had plenty of time off to sit back and chill out. Just enjoying having time off together, to chat and plan other things.
Do you get up to much in school holidays? Or do you prefer to have a more relaxed time off?
We’ve honestly done nothing and I don’t feel bad about it at all. I find Christmas is such a sensory overload that doing nothing else is a good thing. There is enough pressure on us to do stuff over summer
There’s also the excuse that lots of places are closed over the winter!. I suppose on a farm it’s quite a busy time – we’re calving, it’s shoot season as well, so things are pretty busy anyway.