Trampy Thursday…for one week only

I had a throwaway conversation last week with Alex over at Medicated Follower who runs the linky for Trendy Thursday.  We were discussing how I always forget to take photos at the start of the day, and by the end he’s a bit of a mess.  Next thing, a one off  diversion and Trampy Thursday was on the cards for this week (and of course, I’m a bit late!).

Annoyingly on this occasion, I still forgot to take a photo of N on Wednesday, as he was a picture.  They’d been playing in the sand at nursery, driving vehicles around in it.  Then moved on to more gooey than usual playdough, topped up with extra flour.  He was a little coated in it.  But I forgot, so we’ve got Thursday’s photo instead which wasn’t half as scruffy!

I don’t usually worry too much about N getting mucky at nursery, so he gets sent in in whatever clothes we fancy him wearing.  He’s been at day nursery for 2 1/2 years, and so far we’ve not had to throw out any items or mend any for being ripped or wrecked.  The day nursery tend to have them wearing aprons when they’re younger for meals and arts, and when they’re out in forest school, they’re in waterproofs just in case.

He doesn’t do much artwork as he prefers being outside, so his worst mess is usually down to beans or soup for his tea.  He seems to be getting a messier eater as he gets older.  I think, probably because he’s talking and looking around so much while he eats.

Note the catalogue pose below.

toddler-in a-catalogue-post
  • Polo shirt complete with greasy food marks – Next
  • Burgundy trouser – Tu at Sainsbury’s
  • Shoes – Startrite
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    1. We have a few mud and grass stains. I’m imagining the food will reduce but the grass will increase as he gets older. Not forgetting the quickly wrecked shoes.

  1. Haha! Bless his grease stains! Ethan is still a terribly messy eater & I must admit he still wears a coverall type thing when he eats at home to save his school uniform.. X

    1. I can’t believe how messy he now is. Only sometimes though – at the more distracted times. Otherwise he usually hoovers food up so quickly there’s no chance to drop any!

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