Trendy Thursday – it’s been a shorts week
We’ve had beautiful weather for the best part of a week (excepting the rainstorm on Saturday morning), so Trendy Thursday is going to be about shorts week.
N loves wearing shorts, especially as it means most of the time he can get away with removing his socks without me moaning. Why he likes to wear wellies without socks, I have no idea. The thought of that makes me cringe!
We’ve also been having lots of outdoor play – mornings and evenings, which is all a bit manic. But it’s been a great trust message for N. He’s been very good about roaming around our garden and the in-laws without going by the drive or through the gate to the farmyard.
Last year, everyone recommended keeping hold of shorts for this year when he’d be out of nappies. But only 3 pairs still fit (well, one pair are a little snug, and the other 2 pairs were miles too big last year!), the rest I’ve had to buy new. Mostly I got him chino style then they can be smart and everyday, although he’s got his one nice pair of Gap shorts I got on the most recent 30% off VIP days. Must try and get another colour pair of those!

This week started with my favourite Gap jersey shorts, a Gap t-shirt (has a london bus on the front), and his Pediped sandals. I’m surprised he kept his socks on!.

Yesterday N was in Tu at Sainsbury’s for shorts and t shirt. I love their chino shorts and he’s got pairs in about 4 different colours. Blue features a lot in all of our family’s wardrobes, and I do love a nautical look on boys. I was hoping having less muddy weather, we might get a second wear out of some clothes, but nope, that’s not happened!
Today N was in one pair of last year’s shorts. And look at the size of them. There’s still plenty of room, although they’re an elasicated waist so I’m not sure how tight they are. These were a Primark two pack – really basic shorts, but plain navy is great for wearing bright tops on. The polo shirt was from Next. I usually get N stripy or appliqued t shirts, so then I struggle with what colour bottoms, so it’s always good to have a couple of plain tops.
Great idea to keep this years shorts for next summer! I prefer Potato is chino-style shorts too. They can so easily be dressed up or down. Our favourites are from vertbaudet #trendythursday
So many people say that’s the way to do it, especially if they were in nappies, and will be out the year after. Didn’t work so well for us, but worth doing just in case. I’ve not really used Vertdaubet since he was a baby and I didn’t get on with their pjs, but I do keep ripping out pages of items I like from their catalogues. Must get round to ordering really!