Trendy Thursday: Thrifty toddler style
N always has plenty of clothes, although he does also get good wear out of them now he doesn’t grow as fast. Sometimes I do open the wardrobe and think there’s too much, but as I buy a size ahead in sales, there’s never as much as I think there is.
We still find sometimes that we’re running low on clothes (or maybe that’s because I wait until his washing basket’s overflowing to wash them all).
I do buy quite a lot new (with supermarkets and seemingly ongoing sales, you can still get quite a lot for the money), and nearly new sales are handy for the odd item. As boys especially get older, there’s less choice second hand, especially when you think they tend to be in uniforms as they get older. Our handmedowns have reduced as well.
But my best friend and I do a bit of handy clothes swapping.
I tend to pass on most of N’s handmedowns to her son who’s almost 2 years younger. His wardrobe must be massive as I think she has a few other friends passing on clothes for her son too. I do sell some of his clothes, but unless there’s a nearly new sale coming up, it seems to be a lot more effort for not much return even for decent brands and immaculate clothes.
The only issue is how expensive it can be to post clothes in the amount I have. So it tends to be quite sporadic when I see her to pass them on.
In return my friend looks out for bargain clothes for N. Round our way, there’s never many children’s clothes in the charity shops, but up by her, there’s a never ending supply of really cheap clothes that still have good wear in.
The latest parcel she sent down had 6 tops – including 2 shirts, and a pair of trousers. The lot cost her £2.18! Ok so the brands are predominantly supermarkets and Primark, but they’ll last, and the basic t shirts are great for nursery. It doesn’t really matter if they get too wrecked. If the items last through N wearing them, I can then pass them back to her afterwards. Lots of thriftiness and eco-living going on.
N was quite pleased as in the parcel there were 2 ‘party’ shirts. He doesn’t tend to wear shirts day to day, as I never think they can be that comfortable, but we like them for parties. We’ve had lots of 3rd birthday parties, so he’s had some wear out of them already.

This one included a sleeveless t shirt to go underneath as well.

And this long sleeve shirt with cool badges and pockets. I think both were Primark. For parties, we tend to pair shirts (or bright jumpers) with cords or coloured chinos. So much more comfy than jeans at the moment as N struggles with cut and keeping them up.
The good thing about getting surprise parcels is sometimes you get sent items you’d never choose yourself but turn out to be nice. We have received 2 pairs of dubious trousers, but they didn’t fit anyway, so they’ll go back to my friend. Otherwise, I’d definitely advise trying a similar approach to buying children’s clothes.
What thrifty bargains have you been buying recently for children’s wear? Do you swap with friends?
It’s so true. It’s harder and harder to get secondhand clothes for boys as they get older..
Love the second shirt – really cute! xx
I love the second one too. Quite muted for shirts for us as we tend to go for more colour on the top half, but so grown up!
Really good idea for sharing clothes and getting them cost-effectively. Nobody passes stuff to us as we had kids before anyone we knew! I pass stuff on to friends, give the very worn stuff to charity and try to sell good quality stuff which I haven’t got anyone to pass it on to. But as you say, selling stuff is harder than it looks, especially with the postage costs. Sometimes it can be more hassle than it’s worth!
I do the same as you, splitting the clothing depending on what it’s like. Helps with farming families, as scruffy clothes are fine for the farm!
Definitely selling clothes is better if you’ve NCT nearly new sales nearby especially if your kids are over the age of 1. Under that, there’s just too much on offer for yours to get noticed. Saved on postage costs. I also try and sell stuff on Facebook local selling sites first, although lots of people want stuff for nothing really. But I never find ebay good for clothes unless they’re the big brands.
Clothes swapping is a good idea. My youngest is one of three so has a lot of hand me downs but I’m a sucker for pretty dresses and not very thrifty when it comes yo new stuff. However, I have been passing my little ones clothes on to a neighbour so she gets lovely packages ever few months and is very happy!
It’s definitely easier having a boy – less to get swayed by as less choice overall and less pretty things to catch the eye! It’s definitely good to get little surprises handed over, especially when they’re unexpected (and free!)