watering flowers in pjs

Trendy Thursday – wellies, pjs and cargos

The weather’s just about broken with a spot of rain this evening after what seems like weeks of beautiful warm sunny days.  N’s been wearing shorts, shorts and more shorts, and his jumpers have pretty much been relegated to his drawers.

I love seeing children in shorts; it really makes him look like a proper little boy and really cute.  Luckily his Pediped sandals are really comfy so he doesn’t have to wear his socks which he has a tendency to remove all the time.  I just have to remember that Wednesdays he needs his pumps on instead to play football at nursery.

For Trendy Thursday, this week my favourite outfits have been:

Quirky watering flowers outfit.  I go out and water the flowers every evening and sometimes N likes to ‘help’ with his watering can.  Bizarrely he also seems to like twisting the flowers.  I have no idea why, but I keep telling him that he can’t keep prodding the flowers.

This time he had had his bath earlier, but still wanted to come outside, hence the pjs and wellies.  Odd child.

watering flowers in pjs
  • Pyjamas – Gap
  • Wellies – Brantano

The other day I headed over to Marks and Spencer for their sale.  Their online sale was appalling – day it started and I could only find one thing that I liked in my size.  Everything else seemed to be out of stock across so many sizes.  Bit of a shame as I tend to get quite a lot in their sale usually.  In store though, I popped in on the off chance, and got N a couple of pairs of shorts.  One pair were smarter ones, a size up, and the others were these cool fern pattern cargo shorts.

N’s now a metre tall so well in the age 3-4 size height range, but still some shorts swamp him.  These are meant to be a bit longer, and I really like them.  He didn’t seem too worried about climbing and riding on everything so they’ve gone down well.  The bonus was that they were priced at £9 in the sale, but rang up on the till at only £6.  Bargain!  Plus they’re big enough that they should last until next Summer as well.

cargo shorts and wellies outfit
  • Cargo shorts – Marks & Spencer
  • Polo shirt – Next
  • Wellies – Brantano

He does do a lot of welly wearing, even when the weather’s dry.

Are your children still wearing their wellies in the height of summer?  What sales are you keeping a watch out for?

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  1. You can’t go wrong with wellies 🙂

    I can’t believe how big and how old he is now. How long have you been joining in with #TT? I swear he was tiny… now look at him!!

    He looks as cute as ever and I love the GAP pjs. xx

    1. He was. I’ve been blogging almost 2 years on self hosted, and used to join in sometimes on Very Busy Mama’s TTT, so a while!

  2. My kids all love their wellies but they have recently been replaced with beach shoes. Still great for mucking around and puddles etc. but means they don’t get soggy feet due to sweat, just the puddles lol #PoCoLo

  3. Pjs and wellies…coming to a catwalk near you soon! Thankfully I’m allowed to choose his clothes for him, otherwise he’d wear overalls everyday

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