Why I still love blogging 10 years on
This year I’ve hit 10 years blogging on Bubbablue and me. 11 if I count the old wordpress.com blog I started on before going self hosted.. I still love it as much as I did, although it’s a lot harder work now than it ever was back then. I wanted to share why I love blogging and why I still blog.

Why I love blogging
Personal record
I started blogging to keep a record for us of what we got up to once N came into our lives, and how I coped with motherhood. I hoped it would be something he’d like to read years later. Now he doesn’t appear much, and it’s more lifestyle than parenting based. But that’s one of the things I enjoy about blogging.
Not only has it been my parenting journal, but it’s also all my ideas, tips, recipes in one place.
Blogs don’t stand still. They’re an evolution…in writing. In content. In voice.
I started out writing very short waffly posts with no real purpose because they were just thoughts and updates. Now I try and combine the personal with more helpful posts.
When N decided he didn’t want to be in photos on the blog, I had to rethink about how I would change or add in different topics. Largely the content is similar, but there’s less of it, and more recipes, health, and general lifestyle posts. While most people say you need to have a tighter niche to be a successful blogger (and I’m sure that helps), you need to enjoy what you write about. By writing on lots of topics I keep my interest.
After all, my dance blog is really niche, and I’m planning on starting another blog soon which will have a theme too. So this blog is my chance to write whatever comes to mind.
Everything about blogging was new when I started. As a blogger you don’t just write, you need to understand and do so much more. Unless you’re big enough to employ others to do that for you.
Social media, SEO, GDPR, photography, video creation, affiliates, setting up themes and basic coding, advertising, working with brands (although I do a lot less nowadays ever since N doesn’t appear in photos).
Blogging and social media changes from month to month, so there’s always something new to learn and master.
When I started out, I didn’t read other blogs. I didn’t realise there was a parenting blogger community. While it’s a lot quieter with everyone’s non blogging lives busy and life changing due to everything going on with the world at the moment, the blogging community is generally really supportive. Bloggers hand out a lot of advice, answer questions, help others who’re struggling, and have a lot of fun together while doing it. Social media helps – there’s always someone to chat to if you want. And I’ve certainly made some blogging friends over the years. It’s great to be a part of.

Love of writing
I love to write. I’m quite fast at writing, and after years of studying and writing, it’s nice to have the opportunity to write what I want and when I want. I’m amazed I’ve found so much to talk about over the years (I shouldn’t be because I do like to chat a lot!)
Sharing opinions
My blog is my personal space to be able to have an opinion. I think I’m pretty much middle of the road on my blog, I’m not really one for extremes and rocking the boat on here or on social media. Over the years I’ve only had 1 person who comments, taking things not how they’re written, and if she doesn’t like me that much she shouldn’t read. If people don’t like what I write, then don’t read. Otherwise…block.
Ultimately I’m sharing my experiences, and hopefully others will find some help they can take away from it.
Looking to start a blog of your own, why not try hosting with 34sp (ad-referral link)
Where will the blog go next
With N in year 6 now, there’s likely to be more changes going forward on content. He’s already less keen on days out, and there’ll be less of what we do as a family on here. Hopefully I’ll still find lots to write, but maybe more about women’s lifestyle rather than family.
Will I still love blogging 5 years on from now? I don’t know, but I’ve just started a 3rd blog over at All Things Lists, so you never know.
If there’s anything you’d like to read more of, do let me know.
Like this post, try these other tips for nearby days out.
Congrats on the 11 years of blogging. I love that I have been recording our life and the girls love to look back on my old blog posts. It is so hard to tighten a blog like ours to just one niche. Variety is the spice of life and all that.
It took me a good year or so of blogging to find the parenting blogger community and they are a good bunch. Over the years I’ve had so much help and advice that my friends in real life can’t offer as they just don’t understand blogging.
Good luck with your new blog. I’m off to have a look x
I totally agree. I was same, took about a year too and it’s definitely a nice community.