Winter hobbies all year round
Is it just me or does everyone have winter hobbies? Those things that seem to get dropped every year when the days start gradually getting longer and the snow threat is gone. The activities that get picked up again as soon as the sultry September sun is passed.
As I’ve not been out dancing for a couple of years now (I must get back to it soon from home), when I’ve got a bit of free time and I’m not blogging, I tend to have a few things on the go. They’re my cosy stay at home, get wrapped in a blanket in front of the fire (or Aga) hobbies. Light, no stress entertainment where there’s a feeling of achievement after finishing.
I do flit in and out of them though, and during Covid lockdown I found that my love of puzzles continued and I couldn’t get enough of them. It seems, so has everyone else – lockdown does that, when you’re looking to fill large blocks of time if you’re not work. Or you’re looking for something to take time out.

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My winter hobbies
Jigsaw puzzles
Ok, so people might say it’s an old person’s hobby, but there are so many benefits other than enjoyment. Doing puzzles of any kind keeps your mind sharp, and I love the Wasgij mystery puzzles which you do without an image. Now I tend to do all puzzles without looking at the image. I think doing puzzles is now going to be an all year round hobby – I’ve certainly got enough stored up to keep me going for the next 12 months.
I haven’t done any crochet in the past year, but I do enjoy doing it. Once I’ve finished blogging, it’s nice to do a bit of crochet in front of the tv, N also enjoys doing it, although he just likes doing chain stitch. I’ve taught him double stitch, but he doesn’t seem bothered by actually making anything.
This is going to be my new winter hobby. Because why not, although it does take over the kitchen table which means I can’t do much in one go before having to clear up.
Board games
I need to get N into card games – can’t believe how few he knows compared to when I was his age. But he does like playing board games, and we’re working our way through them. We also play them at Christmas with family.
I don’t get inspired as much in winter because I love flowers and outdoor photography, but don’t get out much due to the weather. But winter is a great opportunity for experimenting and trying new techniques. I’ve failed so far at frozen bubbles, but you can get some great sunrise shots out in the field, and indoor it’s a chance to do flatlays and practice macro or product photography.
I always read a lot anyway, but read more over winter, in particular over Christmas. It’s a chance to catch up and get ahead on my Goodreads challenge, as well as get into all the Christmas chick lit books that are released. This year I might try some sports biographies in the hope of keeping N interested as well.
Christmas movies
I do love a romance, and all the Christmas movies get scheduled from September or October. It means I rewatch all the old ones, and keep a watch out for all the new Hallmark films. N and the OH won’t watch them, but when they’re off shooting for the day or out on the farm, I can sit back and enjoy films of my choice.
Do you have hobbies that are seasonal? What do you enjoy in winter?
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