20 Great posts preparing you and your kids for starting school
With N starting school, it was time to start thinking about school days. I’ve written my own tips about preparing a child for starting school, taking you from the offer letter through to just before starting. But what have other bloggers said when sharing their thoughts and experiences.
If you’ve got a child just starting school and you’re looking for tips, then hopefully you’ll find informative posts in my choices below.

How to prepare your children for starting school
Because we all worry about how our children will cope, thrive and love school
What should your child be able to do when starting school? Mummy and Monkeys
Tips for preparing your child for starting school Crafts on Sea
20 tips for a smooth transition and happy start to school Our Little House in the Country
Books about starting school In the Playroom
How to prepare yourself for your children starting school
Because however big a step it is for kids, it seems to be just as big a thing for parents (mums, mostly from what I’ve been reading)
Survive the first week at school Pigeon Pair and me
6 things parents need for back to school that we can’t buy NY Times
Back to school tips and tricks Over 40 and a mum to one
School rules for parents Actually Mummy
Dear Teacher – Motherhood for Slackers
Buying school uniform
Because there’s a lot of angst…and tips
The mystery of school uniform Bubbablue and me
5 things you need to know about buying school uniform Sticky Fingers
What to look for in a pair of school shoes Mum in the Madhouse
Fun stuff for the first day at school
Because the first day at school is a huge milestone, and why not make it fun!
First day at school photo ideas Mum in the Madhouse
First day of school photo ideas Huff Post
First week fun The first grade parade
Ready for school printable chart A Moms Take
And if you want to find others with children starting school for the first time this year to celebrate and commiserate together, you can find other people blogging about school starters at:
Farmers Wife and Mummy
Let’s Talk Mommy
Mummy Daddy Me
What the Red Head Said
Stopping at Two
Life as our little family
Podcast Dove
Not my year off
And finally, the last word is from Jocelyn at The Reading Residence, with her letter to parents of children starting school.
Great round up – thank you for including some of my posts
Great round up! My girl is off to the nursery class at our primary school so not as scary as starting reception but she’ll be wearing uniform and she thinks she’s going to school. Really useful links.
What a great post full of resources, I’m off to check out some of the other posts now. And thanks for including me. I’m so nervous about September! X
Thanks Katie. I thought I was fine, but the last goodbye at nursery was a bit choked seeing him hug all the teachers with them saying they loved his hugs and how much they’d miss him. really cute. Bet all the children are fine about it, and it’s us mums (and some dads) who’re really impacted!
Thanks so much for including me – so many great resources in one place! x
No worries. There’s so many posts out there, I wanted to draw some together
So sweet of you to include me on this! I’m definitely going to rifle my way through these articles before the big day! 🙂
No worries, it’s nice for me to find other bloggers in the same situation