hairdressing and head rub - Bubbablue and me
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The benefits of children – usefulness at home

I never thought I’d have children when I was younger. I changed my mind over wanting them but I’m still not a baby person. And to be honest, some children are cute, funny or great for conversation, but most I can take them or leave them.  I can understand children more and talk to them, but would still rather have them once they’re communicating well (and are potty trained).

Other than the fact he’s my child and obviously I love having him, there ARE benefits of children in the house.  Especially when they’re preschoolers through to early primary school age, are keen to do what adults do, and want to help out.

Give N a gadget or piece of cleaning equipment and he’s away.  I big the job up as something that he wouldn’t be able to do yet, and you can bet he’ll give it a go.  Add in a sticker for his reward chart for helping round the house and it’s a no brainer.

Of course, this doesn’t work on his own mess.  I’ve recently had to ask him to pick up all the elastic bands he chopped up (and either hung over the top of the tv in a pretty pattern or just dumped in a pile on the floor).  And a banana skin, empty yoghurt pot and leftover sandwich thin and cheese that I spotted in the back room.  Of course he denied all knowledge of them being his mess.

But there’s plenty of occasions when children can be useful in times of adult laziness.

hairdressing and head rub - Bubbablue and me

Roles for children

1, Retriever

Need something from another room, ask them to get it. Try pretending they’re a dog and getting them to retrieve – playing dogs seems to be popular with N’s school friends at the moment.

2, Waiter/Waitress

Will clear the table of plates and take to the dishwasher (I’ve not managed to get him to load it yet, but I’m working on that).

3, Cleaner

Will happily use the vacuum cleaner and carpet sweeper. The dusting needs practice.

4, Recycler

Will help take bags to the bin as long as they fit on his bike handles or in the back of his gator trailer.

5, Massager

I have giving (or having) back or head massages, but N will happily indulge the OH.

6, DJ or movie mogul

N loves working the dvd player and choosing the music to play. Beware the sticky fingerprints and get ready to turn the volume down as N loves to listen to the music loud.

7, Shopping bag unloader

When I have an online shop, N is beside himself. He just has to help whether it’s bedtime or not.

8, Washer upper

We have a dishwasher, so washing dishes is a novelty.

9, Fire warden

N will get logs from outside the front door to bring into the living room.  And if the wood burner needs closing up while the OH is settled on the sofa, N now knows how to use the poker to close up the burner safely when asked.

10, Bed stripper

His own only. And usually when he has friends to visit rather than when requested!

11, Gardener

N loves to cut the grass…with scissors.  It could take a while.

What helpful things around the house do your children like to do?  What would you love them to do to relieve you of the chore?


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  1. Isn’t it terrific to have the children “run errands” around the house? My twins (for the most part) love having a “job.” Any time that they can help mommy, they feel like such big kids! (My hubby just has to stop the whole kid-getting-the-beer thing, then we’ll be in good shape.) 🙂 #SharingtheBlogLove

    1. I think it’s exactly that. Often it’s a treat. N has just asked to help me fold washing. And he’s learnt to fold t-shirts. All helpful for the future.

  2. My children are strange as they both really love cleaning and especially helping put the shopping away, i have to stop my eldest doing it as she has allergies but otherwise she would clean all day! It is nice for them to help and lighten the load though. #sharingthebloglove

    1. N always used to, and if he chooses to he likes it. He just won’t when I ask. Definitely good if they will help. Thanks for stopping by Laura.

  3. Alice loves it when an online shop arrives too, she is there ready to take it all to the kitchen and unpack. My mum even plans when Alice will be over to get hers done, as she loves the help. Thank you for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove

  4. Haha. I love this! Mine too like to help unpack the shopping, my little girlie also likes to wash up. (Although this isn’t always helpful!), also they both love hoovering!

  5. Brilliant. My son is a great retriever and DJ and my daughter loves unpacking the shopping and ‘helping’ to hang the washing (in the mind of a 2 yr old this means putting all the pants on your head) x

    1. Wiping down tables is something we need to work on. I have a feeling every thing would go on the floor. Although he will get the dustpan and brush out.

  6. Max has nailed quite a few of these already (hoovering, cleaning, fetching, loading and unloading the washing machine) but I really must get him started on massage – I could do with a good massage! I find it funny how desperately keen he is to help with everything – I normally encourage it, but it does mean that he now thinks our handheld Dyson is one of his toys and constantly demands to get it out. I think we created a monster there! Thanks for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove

    1. Watch out, his love for those may wane at about age 4! I don’t know what it is with Dyson’s but N loves ours too – although it won’t suck at the moment so we’re stuck using a Henry that I hate.

  7. This post made me smile – I like the sound of the massages!:) I probably need to encourage our kids to help out more at home – sometimes I must admit I’m guilty of doing things myself because it’s quicker. But given the opportunity kids are usually quite happy to help and be involved:) Often I find that when they’re doing a school project you can tie it in to helping out more with linked things around the house. My youngest is doing a project on helping the environment just now and is really into helping with recycling and reusing 🙂 x

    1. Yes, I do a lot of asking but there’s not that much helping going on. It’s very much hit and miss. Recycling is a favourite here because I work at WRAP which is all about reducing waste, so N likes to think he’s doing what mummy does (shame the OH doesn’t!). Thanks for stopping by

  8. I have all these to look forward to My little one is only 18 months, the most she manages is fetching my phone, but i think thats because she thinks my phone and i should never be apart – lol! #sharingthebloglove

    1. I agree. The issue with N is he won’t do things to order. Only when he fancies it. Maybe if I did more cleaning, he’d see that there was a day to do it that we all had to join in.

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