Autumn colours at Batsford Arboretum
We’ve not been to Batsford Arboretum since N was just turned 3, so I was interested to see how far he could walk without moaning he was tired. Turns out, pretty much all the way round.
I usually take N out in the mornings, because I like to miss the crowds, plus it gives me time to relax in the afternoon and get back in plenty of time to make tea. But N announced in the morning that there was going to be a switch round and he’d go on the farm in the morning and come out with me in the afternoon. Little did he know there were disadvantages to this!

So straight after lunch we headed out to Batsford.

Being the afternoon (and Autumn, prime time for leaf colours!) it was pretty busy everywhere we went, but we still managed to see everything we wanted to. It was a case of picking my photo timings so we got chance to take photos without others appearing.

We did pretty much a full circuit, taking in the water fall, lake, giant redwoods, thatched cottage, japanese deer and dog, and the bridges.

N of course found several sticks which he insisted on carrying round with us (and taking home ‘for the fire’).

And we had the obligatory ‘mummy I need the toilet’ when we were at the further point away from the start and the toilets. Thankfully, he then decided that he was fine. Grr.

I was surprised how quickly we walked round the place. N’s not the fasted walker, we stopped for some leaf kicking, a rest at the Japanese rest house, and spent some time prodding around with sticks

The colours weren’t that far advanced compared with what I’d expected, but there were some gorgeous leaves and berries around. A great opportunity for taking photos.

After me saying no to an ice cream, cake and snack when asked, I think N was coming round to the fact that maybe mornings are better for going out in. We did stop for a quick drink before heading back through the crowds in the gift shop and home.
Batsford’s a lovely place to walk round, although once you’ve done it in each season, there’s not that much new to see each time because it’s not as large as you may expect.
Look for other arboretums to visit across the UK.
Let me know how you get on at Batsford.
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Looks like such a lovely place. #countrykids xx
It looks totally lovely there, great pics. Sarah #countrykids
Thanks Sarah. It was beautiful, although not as lovely as STowe this week
I love Batsford Arboretum!! And the birds of prey centre next door have wonderful flying displays.
N’s not keen on birds of prey – never been interested in them, but the car parks are always busy when we go, so it’s obviously popular.
I much prefer Batsford to Westonbirt arboretum because there are fewer visitors, even if it is much smaller. I like the history of Batsford too (oh to be a fly on the wall when the Mitford sisters lived in the house!). Great photos, I love autumnal colours. #countrykids
I don’t know much about the history, but sounds interesting. I’ve only been to Westonbirt once for Treefest, which was obviously busy but in one area. Would like to go back
Lovely photos. It always bugs me when I can’t get pics without other people in the background too! It sounds like N did well to make it all the way round.
looks like the perfect place fora morning walk. Needing a wee when your the furthest point away from toilets always happens to us too! Lovely photos x
Gotta love an Arboretum in the autumn. It’s great when the kids start to get old enough to go on a proper ramble! It’s almost as exciting as getting rid of the pushchair in terms of quality of life improved!
It may not be huge but it is certainly beautiful and sometimes lovely to take your time ambling round. Lovely stick collection there, I hope they made it to the fire and your macro photos are stunning. I wonder if cake will sway N back to morning trips, it would me! Thank you for sharing with me on Country Kids.
I so agree with you that I prefer morning days out before the crowds arrive! You still managed to get some beautiful photos of your walk together.
Thanks Kriss, appreciate the kind comment about my photos. I’m definitely a morning girl – also means you get the rest of the day free.
Beautiful photos Emma and what a lovely place to go for a walk. Why is it that children always seem to ask for the toilet at the furthest point away from them though – Jessica did it to me at Legoland the other day! Glad that N was able to wait though! Well done to N for managing to do a full circuit 🙂
So annoying about the loos isn’t it? And even more so when you ask them before you leave and they say no!
Thanks for stopping by Louise.