
N’s always had quite a good bedtime routine.  He enjoys it, whether it be bathtime or stories, and is generally really good at settling down.  We know he’ll be good at going to sleep if he says ‘bye bye’ when we’re tucking him in.

Before bed, he’s quite often hyper.  It’s the excitement of him having his dad back in from work, having had a good dinner, and getting last chance of play in before bed.

But tonight was a totally different story.

I’ve started a new job this week, so he’s back to normal childcare routine where for the last few months, he’s only been on Mondays and Wednesdays.  Two days in, and it’s obviously tired him out.  Today he was at his aunt’s after nursery yesterday, so I expect he was really pleased to have been able to play with his cousin all day, that he refused to have a nap.  By 6.20pm he was snuggled up to me in the chair, falling asleep and snoring.  By 6.30pm he was in bed asleep.

He’s got 3 more days, so I’m expecting huge naps at the weekend – I might join him, as I’ve got a ‘work’ headache for the second evening in a row.  It’s hard work this working lark!

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