Review: Cowboy dude – Joker’s Masquerade
I think I’ve mentioned before that N’s never really seemed that fussed about fancy dress costumes. At Christmas he was happy enough wearing his shepherd outfit all afternoon for our NCT party, but take him to softplay where you’ll see other children running round wearing the costumes. He’ll just look at them although it’s quite normal for a child-monkey or princess to be climbing on the frames!
When I was given the chance to try out a costume from Jokers’ Masquerade and thought it would be a great opportunity to see what he thought now he’s a bit older. Plus, I don’t do fancy dress myself.
There were lots of costumes to choose from in various children’s sizes. The website’s easy to use, with filters for type of outfit/age/gender. My only wish would be that it would remember your filters better, as I found I had to start again each time I’d got to a shortlisted costume. Maybe I was missing something, but I just started again.
I decided N would be better off with something that would last him and could start off his dressing up box. I’m not keen on character outfits, so we decided on a the children’s cowboy outfit.
Delivery was fast, and the cowboy fancy dress costume was a success. N couldn’t wait to get it out of the bag, pulling the hat out and sticking it straight on his head. Waist coat went straight on as well, and he was a fan of the chaps. They’re a little long (unsurprising given the small we ordered was the equivalent to an age 3+), but are fine tucked under his trousers. It’s a great outfit as you can just pop it on over his normal clothes. He usually wears an age 3-5 hat, but this has plenty of room in it if his head grows any more.
The outfit also comes with a bandana, but we haven’t bothered with that as he has his own dribble bibs which do the job. The only thing we’re missing now is holster and gun!

I think the costume was good value at only £12.99 (currently on offer). N’s got it out a couple of times wanting to get dressed up in it, and he’ll quite happily play (aptly on his rocking horse) wearing it. He’s not into role playing yet, but I’m sure this costume will late him well into such a time that he is.
If you or your children fancy dressing up or have a fancy dress party to go to, then it’s worth checking out Jokers’ Masquerade – there’s currently a sale on, so there’re some great bargains to be had.
Disclosure: I was sent an outfit of my choice to review from Jokers’ Masquerade. All opinions and content are my own.