A first family holiday
Fanfare….after almost 4 years, we’ve had our first family holiday.
This might not sound like much, because after all lots of people don’t get to go on holiday due to money, illness, or any other reason. But in our life it’s a really important thing.
The OH used to go on holiday, under duress mostly, once a year with me before N was born. Our last holiday together was when I was almost 8 months pregnant and we went away for a few days to Edinburgh. But since N was born, he’s not been willing to leave the farm and go away. So instead, I’ve taken N on numerous road trips around the UK visiting friends and family. It’s not for want of trying, he’s just a nightmare to get away from the farm.
For me, I really wanted him to come on a proper family holiday, so it was something that N would recognise that we’ve done together. Because his dad always works, it’s so unusual for us to do anything altogether. The odd family occasion, meal out, friends’ barbecue or party, and that’s it. We all needed a proper holiday, and especially so the OH could see what it’s really like with N full time, and understand what it is he likes to do and experience. For N, he just wanted to go on holiday with his dad coming as well.
So last week, I got him away from the farm for a few days break to Dorset. Of course, I had to do the last minute booking, getting everything organised and the like. But we went away as a family. My friends and colleagues were as excited as I was, having known what the OH is like. To be honest, I half thought he’d cancel at the last minute, but he didn’t, and N was so pleased to have his dad with him all the time.
We stayed in a lovely cottage in Swanage.

I could get really fit from living in a place like that. 3 storey house, and really quite hilly walking round there, as well as daily walks on and around the beachfront. I like to get out and about all the time on holiday, seeing lots of new places, while the OH likes to rest when he gets away. With N, I had to relax a bit, so mornings were spent walking and exploring, while afternoons were generally chilling out, watching films and napping in the cottage before heading out again for food.
We were lucky with the weather, as the skies did look heavy and grey a lot, but we only got caught in the rain once on our way back to the cottage.
It really was lovely to be out and about as a proper family unit, which we so rarely have.
I didn’t quite achieve my final goal which was to get our first proper family photo. This is as close as I got thanks to the OH hating being in photos.

Do you get many family photos? What’s been your favourite family holiday?
My hubby is the extreme opposite, forever snapping away at everything till its really annoying. Hope you had a lovely few days together though, it definitely looks it! 🙂
There’s a happy medium isn’t there.
Would love to be in some more photos, as I know we only really have one photo (an official portrait one) of me, my mum and dad, and my brother has none (he died when my bro was 2 weeks old). Nice to have some family shots.
How wonderful that you managed to get a few days away together, N must have loved it, and you too 🙂 We occasionally get a shot of all five of us, but they are few and far between! I quite like yours, it seems fitting, and I love the way they are both studying the water x
We dont have many family photos either. My OH is always the one behind the camera.
My OH is useless at taking photos and being in them, so we don’t stand a chance as I’m the one taking them. Thanks for commenting
Ahh so fab you got away!! I know that battle of photos with the OH! I’m quite lucky that since Arthur was born he has been a little more willing for photos to be taken!
I don’t understand why he doesn’t. Especially as he likes seeing his own old family photos, I’d have thought he’d have wanted N to have the same to look back on in future.
Well done for getting out and making your first family holiday. A little time away is so good for you all. I struggle to get family photos, there is never a suitable time with everyone together! #MagicMoments
It’s hard enough getting 2 or 3 in the picture, but as for your family, that’s a lot of people to get facing the same way. It’s nice to try and find someone to take a photo but my OH would be hate that/he’d be too embarrassed.
Thanks for stopping by
I think that’s a lovely family photo! We don’t have loads of them either, I guess the problem is that someone has to take them!
Yep, there is that problem. I do have a gorilla pod and timer on my camera so should be able to get one, but the OH really isn’t keen! I quite like this one though. Thanks for stopping by
Aww! That is fantastic! Sounds like you had a great time!! We never go on holiday…Money is our issue…One day we will though!
I love the last photo! We hardly get any of the 4 of us…There’s no one to take them if we’re all in it. lol
Maybe you’ll have to do a similar attempt like I did. I do have a gorilla pod, but I have to get photos of the OH by stealth!
How lovely to get away all together like that. Potato and I go on hols with my parents a lot, but with hubby living abroad ‘proper’ family time is much rarer. So are family photos :(. Will be making a real effort to get one when he’s back at Xmas 🙂
Oh that’s hard when you’re in different countries. I tend to mee tup with friends, or stay at their parents’ house etc