Little dancer
Every development toddler email newsletter I receive seems to have mentioned that this is the stage where toddlers are on the move (mmm, think we’ve had that stage for a while, although running is definitely a favourite at the moment). Dancing also features fairly high up the list.
N, being one who seems to pretty much hit every average target point on the dot, is definitely a fan of dancing…well, the toddler version of dancing. I’d like to think he’s got it from me as I’ve spent a lot of my life dancing whether ballet or modern dance until 6th form, or a few years going from salsa to ceroc and then trying west coast swing for a bit, with random other styles of dance tasters thrown in along the way. Having N’s pretty much put paid to my dancing at the moment – I really miss it, and my dancing friends as it’s so hard to actually get organised to meet up. Now my dancing’s limited to boogying with N, usually while in the middle of preparing or cooking tea as that’s usually when I have music on.
The last time this happened was hysterical. N was in a bit of a mood for some reason, so I stood in the doorway, called him to watch and then started silly dancing – pirouettes and twirling with a touch of the hula movements with my arms.
Well, that was an easy way to cheer him up – he laughed so much he almost fell over. Then he decided to join in with his (still on the floor) jumping and turning. With a bit of a ‘moonwalk’ backwards walking thrown in. He gets bored quickly with it, and doesn’t understand if I grab his hands to groove – solo dancing only for my 18 month old!
So, top tip for entertaining your toddler…whack on the music and you’re away. And give your little dancer a laugh by dancing yourself.

He’s also recently enjoyed the NCT Cheeky Monkeys tea party where Rhythm Time were doing a fun session. He loved hitting the chime bars again (I wonder if he recalls having done the same when he was younger?), but his favourite bit was where they sang along with some music. He just stood enthralled, and I noticed his little leg jigging in an Elvis style bend. Very cute. He’s obviously got a bit of rhythm so hope his love of music and ‘dance’ continues a bit longer.