Mistaken age
I reckon it’s been a day for it, although the first in the bank (I was transferring my ISA to one with a decent rate, very sensibly) was poor hearing from the customer services woman. She misheard my date of birth and added another 10 years on…great! I know having kids can age you but it would have been nice if she’d twigged that there was no way I could be 45! Hmm.
We spent the day out and about as I was doing Gumigem things – visiting retailers and checking out opportunities. Also went along to a Baby & Children’s market in Abingdon. It wasn’t that great – nothing for boys of N’s age although we did arrive just before it was closing. I was also expecting a few more businesses rather than just people selling their used items. I spoke to one of the business stall holders and the organiser, and that location was a new place, so I think I shall try and get a stall at one in May as that one’s been around for a bit longer.
There was a soft play area for the children to use for free which was a good idea. N was a bit wary at first, but then found a pushchair to push around as well as a ride on ladybird which was fun. He tried to escape from the ballpit every time this one child kept going down the slide into it…quite embarrassing as he was fine with the other children, just not this one.
The mistaken age came from a ‘mini football’ class stall holder, who asked if N would like to try out a session for free. When I said they were only for 2-6 year olds, and that he was only 13 months old, they were a bit flummoxed! He did look quite long in his pushchair today, but there’s no way he looks 2 years old. Very amusing. Especially at the thought of him trying to play football – at the moment we’re lucky if he manages to stand on one foot without falling over.
We also had a bit of a picnic as lunch was due when we came out. Luckily where food’s involved, N is quite happy to sit & eat anywhere.