Peach and pear cobbler recipe
I’m sure I’m not the only person who gets a bit sick of cooking. Day after day for family, when maybe sometimes you just fancy something basic like cheese or scrambled eggs on toast. I do like cooking new dishes and trying out new recipes. But the best ones are those that are tasty but don’t involve a whole afternoon of cooking. Fast recipes are good, and store cupboard meals are even better.
Especially puddings.
In our house I stick to weekends for making puddings. Possibly with enough for leftovers, so they’ll get dessert for Monday too. But when I’m working Monday to Friday, I don’t have time to get a main and dessert on the table for 5pm. Plus if the rest of the family want weekday puddings, it’ll either be fruit, yoghurt or whatever else they can put together.
Sometimes at weekends, I’ll make a main course which will take a bit longer to cook. That calls for either a pudding that’s been made in advance. Or something that’s fast to make and can just be put in the oven for a short time. Luckily I’ve got a few fast desserts that go down well here, but I wanted to try something new.
I’ve seen a few recipes for cobblers over the years, but always stuck with apple crumbles or fruit pies. Another favourite is Nigella’s chocolate and pear pudding. I decided it was time to try a fruit cobbler. To me a cobbler is another comfort food pudding, great for cooler months when you want something warming to follow a meal. Or just eat it as a treat on its own.

I always have tinned fruit in the cupboard – handy for trifles, fruit and custard, making a quick fruit and croissant ‘bread’ pudding, or using as a snack if we’ve no fresh fruit in. So I thought I’d make a peach and pear cobbler.
Except I managed to open a tin of pears first. I just turned it into a peach and pear cobbler instead.
As with most desserts I make, this cobbler is straightforward to make.
Put the drained tinned fruit in a dish.
Mix the batter and top the fruit with dollops of it.

I decided to add a bit of warming autumnal spice to the cobbler dough as well. A little ginger and cinnamon to include a bit more flavour. The flavour turned out really well, even though the ‘cobbles’ on top spread and joined up to create a topping. It didn’t really matter, but I think when I make it again, I might use a slightly larger baking dish which will probably help prevent the topping just spreading and joining together. Not that it makes any difference to the taste though.

This cobbler would easily serve 4, although the OH and N had theirs, then reheated the rest in the microwave in 2 portions for pudding the next day. They ate it topped with vanilla ice cream and cream (I’d have just stuck with one or the other). Or you could even add custard if you want to stick with a winter warmer pudding.
Find the full recipe below.

Pear and peach cobbler
Make this fruit cobbler using store cupboard staple ingredients
- 410 g tin pear quarters in juice drained
- 410 g tin peach slices in juice drained
- 150 g unsalted butter
- 1 egg
- 150 g plain flour
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 120 g caster sugar preferably golden
- 1 tsp ground ginger
- 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
- 1 pinch salt
Preheat oven to 180C/160C fan/GM 4.
Grease an ovenproof baking dish with a little butter
Chop the drained pears and peaches into smaller uniform pieces (e.g a slice into 2 pieces, pear quarters into 4)
Spread the fruit into the dish and sprinkle with 1 tablespoon of the sugar and the ground ginger
In a separate bowl, put the flour, rest of the sugar, baking powder, ground cinnamon and the salt, and mix.
Grate in the butter and mix in with your fingers until it’s like breadcrumbs.
Add the egg and beat it until it comes together to make a thick dough. (You can beat using a hand mixer, I just prefer doing it by hand).
Spoon dollops of the dough on top of the fruit, but leave a few gaps. The dough will spread as it cooks
Sprinkle over some extra caster sugar and bake for 40 minutes until it’s golden on top.
Best served warm with ice cream, cream, or custard according to taste
Recipe Notes
You could use a food processor to make the cobbler topping. Just mix the dry ingredients. Then add the butter (cubed rather than needing to soften it first), pulse intil it looks like breadcrumbs. Add the egg and keep mixing until it makes the dough.
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