Project 52 2021 week 9 – stile
The good news is this was (hopefully) the last remote learning week before children go back to school. While he says he’d happily stay at home because he gets more farm time, he’ll enjoy being back. I’ll certainly like having my work time to myself without the occasional interruptions, although I will miss having my little buddy there. Plus of course no more nosying at the work they’re doing. He’s already hoping he’ll be sat next to the previous friend he used to (he’s missed their tractor conversations). He’ll have to wait and see. School dinner order done. School shoes checked, and uniform trousers hopefully turning up soon.
Onto this week’s Project 52, it’s week 9 already., although it feels like it should be way past week 9.
On Sunday I felt really rough all day after my vaccine the day before. I felt a bit dizzy, flu-y, had a headache, and obviously a sore arm. I hardly slept, so was really fatigued as well. I napped most of the day inbetween sorting out food for them. I wasn’t that fussed myself. N made his favourite chocolate chip cookies again. He’s really enjoying his baking, so we’ll need to dig out some different recipes he can try. I went to bed at 9.30 but didn’t sleep much again.
Monday it was back to school work. N set up the craft table in the corner next to the kitchen table, so he couldn’t see out of the window and be distracted. He’s tried about 10 different location and set ups in the time he’s been remote learning. I was still tired, but felt more human. Well enough to work, although I still had a headache most of the day. It seems I followed many others in feeling terrible after the Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccine. I went to bed just after N in the hope that I’d sleep better, but it wasn’t great again.
On Tuesday I’d lost my side effect symptoms and felt normal again. We didn’t do much other than work and do school work. We’ve had a nightmare with school trousers. N’s size has been out of stock, but managed to get one pair of his usual style. Bizarrely, they’re now too tight round the bottom, despite the one pair I bought back in September in the same size still fit ok. The shorts I ordered (same regular style, and size) were massive. So I’ve had to re-order age 10-11 which will drown him, and have tried an alternative pair of trousers, in 9-10 and will hope the ones I was sent were just a random incorrect cut. Otherwise, he’ll be going back to school in shorts.
Wednesday was another school set up move around. I’ve volunteered to be the junior players representative at the tennis club for the committee when they need feedback. It’ll be interesting going to the AGM (or maybe not, we’ll see!). The highlight of the day was probably the wander down to the bins before we started work. We go and see the dogs, and I check out the spring flowers for some photos. It’s weird, because the crocuses are out and have been for a while, but still haven’t opened up yet.
On Thursday, N’s new magazine arrived, The Young Stock. I noticed the website a few months ago – it’s a children’s farming magazine that’s been set up by a farmer’s wife. I wasn’t sure if it would be too young, so didn’t subscribe to it, but he said straightaway to do so, and sat and read it at the lunch table, glued to it for 15 minutes. He’s still not gone back to it again, so I’m still not convinced he’ll read it fully for a year.
I made a bolognese filled pizza dough plait, but yet again misjudged the electric oven and overcooked it. Our Aga is losing heat again, so I’m having to readjust which is so hard to remember to do. I did have a red mark that felt bruised on my vaccine arm. As I’m on warfarin and have to watch out for bruising I was a bit worried, It was weird getting redness and pain so many days later, but it was gone by the next day.
Friday was an easier day of remote learning for them. There were a few login issues but they watched Morpurgo’s version of Macbeth as a spoken performance online, then had a half hour live lambing slot at the secondary school farm. No lambs, but the teacher there taught them lots about sheep and they got to ask questions and see some of the animals. N was obviously a bit ‘whatever’ given none of it was new, but it was a bit of a treat for them. They’d usually visit a lambing live event, so at least they were still able to access it another way. I finished my working week, watched an SEO webinar I’d signed up to.
On Saturday we had a few chores to do. We headed into town to the butchers, bakery stall on the market, and treat ourselves to a takeaway Costa drive through. I finally finished the hardest puzzle I’ve been working on for 2 weeks. The OH was out drilling so didn’t come back for lunch. N and I took the dog for a walk, just along the verges though as he’d said the fields weren’t too muddy so I was in walking boots…nope, they were a quagmire by the gateways. Coming back through the yard, we stopped to talk to the cattle, and check out the cats. Two were sitting out on some of the farm equipment and one was very brave, letting me quite close.
This week’s project 52 photo was taken on our dog walk. The stile that the public footpath goes through.

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The pizza sounds amazing.. how did it go? The walking trail is so nice…I am sorry you felt brought after your covid shots..hope u r better now..
Sorry you didn’t feel well after the jab. It sounds like those particular side effects are quite common unfortunately. Hope everything went well with back to school. Hopefully I can join in with the back to school chatter after Easter 🙂
Sorry to hear the vaccination side effects were so painful. The Bolognese plait sounds tasty. Glad to hear N is so much into cooking. I wish mine showed a bit of interest now, he was more enthusiastic about helping with cooking when he was younger.
Hope the new magazine subscription will be inspiring.
Beautiful photo!
The bolognese filled pizza dough plait sounds delicious – how do you make it?
Sorry to hear you felt ill after your vaccination, it seems to affect people differently doesn’t it
I just had leftover bolognese, and put it in ready made pizza dough. You could do it as a calzone shape instead.
You had the same vaccine as me and I felt like I had jet lag the next day. I had to crawl into bed at 8.20 pm. Thankfully it was just the one day that I really had the issue. The pizza dough plait sounds interesting, I think the kids might like that #365
The first day was awful. I’ve never had flu never really suffered jetlag. Could get up and about on go slow, but so exhausted and dizzy. Thankfully it was just a headache the day after. But 2 weeks after and I’ve had redness and aching arm. They’ve been saying young people are suffering more side effects with first jab, but with pfizer it’s the second jab that’s more likely to give side effects. I’m hoping the second won’t be as bad.
Glad you made a quick recovery from the side effects of the vaccine.
I really struggled to get school trousers for my boys between the ages of 10 and 14 until I could buy mens wear which has a much better cut/fit
The ground either side of the stile doesn’t look too used compared to the amount of mud at the styles around here where I occasionally walk.
Sorry you have been feeling rough with the jab. Glad the red mark wasn’t anything to worry about but always worth getting these things checked out. Its been odd not having the boys here this week, hope Ns settled back in well. Looks like a great place to walk.
Seems like people have no issues with the vaccine or loads. Hope it’s all calmed down by now for you. Glad N has found a magazine he really en joys. Not much doubt on his future career by the sounds of it #365
The zoe app says that more young people are affected because their ‘fighting’ system kicks in harder to fight and protect, with Oxford AZ it’s the first jab that people get the side effects, and the pfizer is usually the second jab. So I’m hoping that’s me done. 2 weeks later my arm’s red in a late reaction. Got a bit worried given my DVT background, but doctor said it looked like a reaction.
Sorry the vaccine gave you some side effects but glad you are recovered from them now!
It will be nice to get on with things without interruption once they are back at school! But at the same time the house will feel so quiet…gotten used to having the kids around
Sorry to hear that you felt rough with the side-effects of the vaccine – glad you are feeling better now. Hope that you managed to sort out N with some trousers that fit and that the return to school has gone well. #project365
Good luck with the return to school. It’s going to be so quiet here next week.
I’m glad the side effects of the vaccine didn’t last too long.
What a gorgeous photo. It looks like a lovely place for a walk. x