Project 365 2017 week 43
We’re onto week 43, and it’s been half term. N’s had the best of both worlds, 3 days spent on the farm with his dad (and with Granny and Gramps as well). And then 2 days with me out and about.
Here’s this week’s Project 365.
On Sunday we tried these cauliflower sprouts. I’m still to be convinced although noone else moaned which is always good.

On Monday I was back at work, and I struggle to take photos with the darker mornings and evenings. I spotted these unusual bouquets in Marks and Spencer. Tell me I’m not the only one who takes photos in stores!

On Tuesday we had a delivery of Bassetts Vitamins for a sponsored post I was doing. N is a definite fan, and it gave us the opportunity to talk about different vitamins and what we need and why. Considering how dark it was outside and how bright our kitchen lights, I was pleased with these pictures. Although I’m not sure N is understanding the ‘natural’ product photography idea. All he ever does is grab the product and grin. Needs some work.

On Wednesday, the sunrise was beautiful. I grabbed this on the way to work.

On Thursday N had requested to go to Lego Cafe. It’s not as grand as it seems. Just a cafe in an arts centre who put on a lego session during school holiday. N loved it though.

On Friday we went out for the day. My intention had been to visit Ragley Hall. Well, we did, but despite the website saying the hall, gardens and cafe opens at 10, when we arrived we couldn’t get into the cafe or hall to get tickets to the hall. It turned out that you can’t just wander round the hall, but you can only see it with state room tour tickets – but that didn’t start til 12.30. So £17 down, and we spent an hour with N on the adventure playground. There was no way we could have hung around for 2.5 hours, plus N would not enjoy a formal tour, so I wasn’t impressed. We ended up going off to Coughton Court a few miles away instead. Thank god for National Trust.

On Saturday morning, after a week of doing it, I finished the Christmas jigsaw. Next one is currently being colour sorted, and will be starting that tomorrow. It’s so relaxing doing jigsaws, although the floor is not the best place. I need to get another jigsaw roll so we can open it up on the table.

Those flowers look great….I tend to take pics in shops too! That sunrise is definitely lovely! The Lego Cafe sounds fun for the kids.
I’m awful for getting the phone out in shops. It’s great for snapping present ideas because I never remember and can then check things with N too
Kids dont do natural for photos, strange faces of some sort is the norm.
Love the colours in the flowers.
I would have been annoyed as well, £17 is an expensive play park!!!
Yes, we definitely have more pulling faces. But most often it’s him running away.
We have struggled with natural pictures in the past, but it has got easier. Have thought about Ragley Hall, but not sure H would make the most of the playground as he’s scared of heights
Ah that’s a shame. The playground is great, and lots for different ages. But unless you time it for the hall (which is now shut for winter), it’s a lot of money to spend for playtime
Wow, how many pieces are in the jigsaw? That’s very disappointing about Ragley Hall. Love that N doesn’t get that he should look natural in photos. In a few years when he just looks grumpy or refuses to have his photo taken, you will look back on these photos and be very glad you’ve got them!
The puzzle’s 1000 pieces. We’re already onto the next one.
So true about the photo thing. Make the most of them now!
That’s a shame about Ragley Hall you’d think they’d be a bit more specific with opening times ahead of arrival. I take photos of random stuff all the time
It was annoying. Luckily we weren’t far from National Trust. In future I’ll just decide and override N’s opinion for some things.
I always take photos in shops….Especially when it’s things that I can’t afford or don’t want to buy it but think it’s pretty! hehehe
The Lego Cafe sounds like great fun! It’s somewhere my girls would love.
Glad it’s not just me! I use them as prompts