Project 365 2017 week 46 – flower photography and crochet
It’s week 46 of Project 365, and I’ve a real mix of photos this week. Thankfully this week N has agreed to some photos, so at least I’ve managed to get some of him.
On Sunday we visited the Black Country Living Museum in Dudley. We had a lovely time exploring all the old buildings.

On Monday it was a normal work day. After a colleague went home one of the guys decided to have a bit of fun with a random monkey in the office.

On Tuesday N was on fire. Reading homework, english homework, and the he did 5 worksheets he’d asked me to print off for him. He does love a worksheet – maths especially.

On Wednesday it was a colleague’s birthday, and she brought in this amazing cupcakes for everyone. They tasted good as well as looked great.

This week has been all about paper aeroplanes. I’ve no idea why N is so obsessed, but he’s been making them at after schol club, at Granny’s and at home. And using up everyone’s printer paper as well.

On Friday N wanted to learn to crochet. Well, knitting really, but I’ve not done that since primary school and don’t have any knitting needles. So crocheting it was. Chain stitch is a bit boring, but he pulls it really tight, so needs to keep it a bit looser before I try and teach him granny squares. It’s also not easy because I’m a left hander and I’m having to teach him right handed.

On Saturday it was another shoot day on the farm, so I was on my own again. After I dropped off N at the shoot, I nipped to town for a couple of bits, a Christmas flavour hot chocolate (gutted they didn’t have any gingerbread syrup though), and some flowers for my flower photography lesson. Here’s my set up.

Liking your set up for the flowers, I think we might be doing flowers at college tomorrow. Monkey goes through paper plane phases too but never ever would he ask for extra homework sheets! #365
I love that first photo, looks like you had a beautiful day for your visit to the museum. The monkey photo made me smile and that does look like a lovely cupcake 🙂
Thanks Sara. Rapidly into dark evenings and also darker mornings here, so it’s getting really hard to get pictures.
did the planes fly as well or just look great? Nice to keep them amused with something none electronic.
I chuckled at monkey as well and had to wonder why he is in the office.
Just for show the planes. Thankfully they’ve been scrunched up into a smaller pile now.
The monkey, I think was left by someone who went on maternity leave – but it just seems to have appeared recently which is very odd.
The Black Country Museum is fab isn’t it? It’s about 6 miles from us, so a very easy day trip. If you’d like to save your printer paper, I’d recommend one of the Usborne Books paper aeroplane books – they have preprinted sheets with cool designs and there is more than one style of plane you can make.
Well done to N for his homework enthusiasm! Love his paper aeroplanes too. My boys went through a stage of being obsessed with them at a similar age. My brother-in-law used to make loads of different sorts for them. That cupcake does look delicious.
Fab photos!
The monkey did make me chuckle!
I wish my girls were so keen to do their homework!
All those paper aeroplanes are fantastic!