Project 365 – photo a day week 37
I’ve got Autumnal images this week for our week 37 of project 365. I struggled for photos this week though, not really snapping N. Not helped by heading off midweek to visit my nan and various other jobs that meant I didn’t really have my phone out and on the go. Here’s this week’s round up.

Sunday we were at a christening of one of my NCT friend’s baby. It was a lovely day, and N was really well behaved.

Monday and I spotted these tractors lined up in the field by nursery. N’s been keeping a watch out for tractors around nursery, as they’re obviously still harvesting and mowing like we are.

Tuesday again on the nursery run, only instead of the usual sheep, we had cows crossing. It was like the calf was playing chicken with all the cars driving up.

N has been a nightmare this week with his sleeping. Well, not so much the sleeping as the leaving his room and sleeping in ours before we’ve realised. Hence the ‘ballerina’ style starfish pose going on on Wednesday night.

Thursday I picked my ripe tomatoes. A whole bunch, although there’s more turning red still, and a lot of others which I don’t think will ever turn.

On Friday I was finalising all the boxes and labelling items I would be selling via the NCT nearly new sale the next day. N just wanted to climb on me while I was trying to label, so he decided that he’d then sit in the various small boxes we had around. This was evidently the N sandwich.

Saturday was the day of our local NCT sale. I’m on the committee as I do their social media and website, so was volunteering as well as selling. I love the buzz of it, it’s nice to meet lots of different people (and familiar faces), plus you get lots of bargains. These starter roller skates were a bargain £4, and N was straight into his ‘rolly skates’ as soon as he spotted them.
What’ve you been up to this week?
Love the sleeping starfish pose. Getting them to stay in their own bed can be a problem. He’ll get the idea eventually!
Oh, he’s usually really good with sleep. In the summer he went through about a month of creeping in, but I never wake up so can’t boot him back out. I think it was during a growth spurt as then stopped. But had a couple of nights back again, so not sure if he was feeling a bit off colour, although he keeps saying it’s scary in his room.
awww Emma, N at that christening is so so so cute!! and well done for your pick your own tomatoes! x
First ever tomato attempt, so means anyone can do it if I can. Will need to plan what to try next year now!
Love the cows 🙂 The rolly skates look brilliant. The shot of N at the christening is beautiful x
Thanks. I was really pleased the shot came out – lucky with the light as it almost looks like the side’s been painted off.
I remember those NCT sales very well! Loving the look of the roller skates – reckon N will have the hang of those in no time. Love your countryside shots this week.
Chaotic, and almost as mad as the Next sale, but definitely worth it if you need baby stuff.
I got the roller skates and then realised that we only have gravel at home! Ooops. Trips to the park in town needed.
Lovely photo’s! Love the one where the cows stop your car! You know you live in the countryside when that happens! N is so sweet, what a lovely little boy x
This was on the way up the nursery drive through the fields. I think the cows just weren’t used to cars as usually the sheep are fine as they’re in those fields all the time
Love the photo of N at the Christening and as for those tractors, I know Monkey would have loved that too.
N was very concerned that they hadn’t moved in 3 days. God knows what they’d been using for their harvest.