Project 366 2016 week 17
It’s week 17 of Project 366. The weeks seem to rush by but it feels like we should be way past week 17. The weather’s been the big news this week. Sorry to those who’ve had snow, we’ve just see some hail, rain, wind and a bit of sun too. I’ve even had to return to wearing tights/socks again. Hopefully next week will see May arrive to much brighter warmer weather.
Here’s the week in photos.
On Sunday N and I went to the park so he could ride his bike. He had a great time whizzing around different routes with me walking after him. When we got home he was still all about the bike so I had to take him down to the yard and we spotted Arthur, one of the farm cats surveying all around him. The cats on the farm are all stray cats, although they do have a pan of cat food put out for them once a day, then they catch mice and birds. Considering they’re strays, they always look well and healthy. Arthur’s the only one with a name, and seems to be more confident than the others in coming all the way up the drive towards our house. I tried to call him over and make my way over to him gently but he was straight off under the pallet to hide. It’s going to take a while until he will trust us.

On Monday N had tennis at school, and then after school tennis club. So I picked him up from after school club still in his PE kit. It wasn’t the warmest day by the time we got home but that didn’t stop N going out to play. His essential job was drying off his gator and taking it for a ride. It’s lovely to see him wanting to play outside again after school.

On Tuesday we had hail, and a touch of snow. Nutty weather but it keeps us on our toes.

N no longer goes downstairs in a morning on his own. Instead he usually climbs into bed with me – I can never tell what time unless he speaks to me. Usually I only realise if my alarm goes off or when his questions start.

On Thursday these great wedge sandals from Wolky arrived for me to review. I’ve been waiting a while because they had to wait until they opened their Brighton shop, but they’re here and now all I need is some nice weather to be able to wear them properly without goosebumps.

On Friday it was a chill out day after work and school. Like many other houses with kids in, there’s not many days when the living room hasn’t got toys all over the place. Then N brings in more toys from the back room and it ends up a tip. This time he decided to make a crazy golf course…to use with a croquet mallet.

On Saturday, we headed to Stonor Park because I’d heard there was a tulip festival. My aim had been to take photos of the flowers, but when we got in the house we were told it was no photos. Gutted. I suppose it’s because it’s a private home, but disappointing given we had a 2 hour round trip there and paid for entry. So it was a fleeting trip, although the weather was good so we headed into Henley-on-Thames afterwards for a walk by the river and some lunch.

i am liking your sandals perfect for warmer and drier weather!
i get little bed guests most nights!!! still its ok while my OH is away as there is room for them.
i hope the weather is better for you this week x
I’m thinking this week may be the weather for the new shoes. It is nice to have them come into bed – yes I think N comes in after the OH goes out to work at 5 as there’s no way he’d be allowed in otherwise.
Loving the shorts and wellies look. Hope the weather sorts itself out soon. Those sandals look lovely.
Nice shoes! Let’s hope the hail disappears and the sun comes out again soon. I miss the days of the children climbing into bed with me – enjoy it x
I’m definitely savouring it while he wants snuggles.
This weekend’s been better so far than expected, but there’s still Monday to go. Will be nice to get out the summer tops (hopefully).
Thanks for stopping by
those wedged sandals are fab, hope you get some nice weather soon to try them out properly
I thought they were a little clumpy and frumpy at first, but they’re adjustable at the back, and comfy soles, and they look fine.
What a pain about the tulip festival, they’ve been meanies. The weather has been bonkers all week, with the hail almost every day. The stray cat looks very proud. Reminds me of the cats who lived in the wild and visited my gran whenever she was milking her cows in the evening.