Project 366 2016 week 48 – coughs
It’s been a bit of a subdued week thanks to ending with the lurgy. Well, sore throats, coughs and some snuffles too. First N and then I was added to it thanks to him probably passing it on to me because when he’s ill he comes into bed with me.
Here’s this week’s Project 366, week 48.
On Monday N very proudly came in to show me what he’d written on a writing game on an app we’d just downloaded. His IT skills are really improving considering he doesn’t do much at home other than choose YouTube videos that are already appearing on his feed. He was quite happy to use the games on the app without me needing to talk him through any of them.

On Monday I went along to a freestyle dance event in Leamington. I went along with a couple of other girls – one who I know via 2 other friends, and her friend. It’s nice to have some more people to go along dancing with rather than being on my own all the time. The pump rooms is another gorgeous venue, but crikey it was hot.

On Tuesday I burnt the toast. Not just 1 lot, but a second lot after these as well. Even after airing, the house still stank of burnt toast after I got home from work.

On Wednesday N took over my laptop. I’ve been doing some video editing for a work conference but the work software they recommended I didn’t get on with, so had been editing on my video software. N wanted to watch it…several times.

On Thursday it was a quiet picture day. We were trying to get a review item to work. It looks good but I’m not feeling the love for it, plus I can’t review something we can’t get to work as expected.

On Friday N told me he couldn’t go to school because he had a cold. I told him he had to because it was only a cold, but his teacher said e’d not been right since lunch time. Too quiet. It was the advent service so he was fine in that but got him home and his cough was so bad there was no chance he could play tennis, or swim on Saturday. We’d had him sleeping in his own bed for a few weeks now without wandering, but as soon as he’s ill he wants to be in with me. Of course that meant I didn’tsleep either.

Saturday, I expected to be a bit of a flop. N might have been ill but he was still off on the farm, so I went to the swimming pool to enrol him in his new class for the new year, a spot of food shopping and then back home. I’d been meaning to take photos of this rose bush which is still in flower and finally found some time to do so. Our day wasn’t a total flop. After telling me he didn’t want to go to Blenheim’s Christmas displays, with 40 minutes to go he announced he did. We just about got there and had a great time (and no wasted tickets).

oh no burnt toast! lol
As for the cold, I suffered terrible Mum guilt for sending my eldest in this week full of cold. I was half expecting the phonecall but it didn’t happen.
every blog post i’ve read today has a t least one family member suffering with a cough, cold, sore throat, flu, hope you all get better soon and it doesn’t hang around too long
Yes, there’s an awful lot around. Not very nice, but hopefully will all be done and over with by nativity week and Christmas
Oh no to the burnt toast, hate that smell. Well done to N on his IT skills, I’m amazed by what Monkey knows from school as we really do nothing at home. So glad you got to go to Blenheim in the end #366
Hope you are both better soon. The Dancing venue looks lovely.
The venue in Leamington Spa looks beautiful. I hope you and N are recovered from your lurgies soon. Am I weird in that I love the smell of burnt toast?!