Project 52 2020 Week 5 – blue skies
Week 5 of Project 52, and we’ve had some lovely blue skies to end the week. It’s made up for all the miserable grey skies. Here’s what we’ve been up to.
On Sunday, I spent a relaxing day while the OH took N (and his mum) to pick up the new puppy. They were getting his sister’s puppy as well, and were out pretty much all day. A lot longer than I anticipated. It’s very cute, a black labrador, but it a bit of a chunk at the moment. No photos though because the OH doesn’t want them on social media.
Monday was back to work and school. I did a bit of meal planning looking up some different meals for my diet. It’s going well, I’ve lost just over 2 stone. Not dropped a dress size quite yet, but it’s nearly there. Should hit my first goal by Easter if all goes to plan. Then a short break for a few days away and Flea Retreat, before starting back again.
On Tuesday, nothing much happened. N had swimming at school as normal, and after school at his friend’s house, they spent as much time as possible outside making a den. Gradually the evenings are getting lighter again.
Wednesday was quite relaxing at work considering my annual event was the next day. Everything was under control, much more so than last year! I picked N up earlier from after school club to take him to his tennis private. It was a good session – his serves definitely need a lot of work, but it’s good he’s getting the chance to practice more.
Thursday was the day of our annual event. I didn’t go because we had limited spaces, so it was a quiet day in the office. I finished off another Wasgij puzzle. That one was probably my fastest yet.
On Friday it was a busy day. Work, then rush to get to N’s class assembly where they were talking about predators. Picking up N and his friend, getting them to do their homework before another friend was dropped off before taking all 3 to tennis. It was a busy session this week as all the children were there. The coach mentioned they might have enough to be able to have a team next season, but he hadn’t counted on the age bands changing in April to be based on calendar years. It means that rather than having 5 boys to choose from, 2 will have to move up to the next level because they’re a pre-December birthday, So they won’t have enough for a team still.
Saturday was the last shoot of the season. N was out all day beating with his dad. So I decided to head to Hughenden Manor for the morning. It was a beautiful day and lovely to visit. Then I did a bit of shopping afterwards for bits and pieces we needed before going home for tea. It was a lovely day and so nice to go out and see somewhere new. It felt like I’d not been out for a while.

How’s your week been?
Great job on the weight loss. The Manor looks amazing
Well done on the weight loss. The puppy sounds exciting. Will it be a working dog?
Thanks. Yes, all the dogs on the farm are working dogs. This will be a gun dog (unless she’s gun shy like the older lab – she’s only now got used to it and will go out on the shoot – age 9!
It’s lovely that N enjoys going out with his dad and helping with the shoots. Shame about the numbers with the tennis though. Well done with the diet, I often find I lose weight but my cothing size doesn’t alter
Yes, mine’s usually a drop at 2.5 stone, bottom half is probably close, top half everything’s just looser.
Way to go on the weight loss that is awesome. So exciting for the new puppy, that will be exciting. Our weather has been better this week x
The manor grounds photo is great, love the rhythmical pattern of the shadows.
Well done on your diet progress! I’d love to see the puppy, but obviously if you can’t, you can’t. It must be so exciting to get a new puppy.
Well done with the diet, that’s good going. The weather was lovely on Saturday wasn’t it #366
great weight loss, something I never manage to do.
How exciting for the new puppy, take it it is going to be a farm dog rather than a pet?
Great he is getting chance to work on his weaker points in the tennis and he is doing amazing with the rest of it.
Well done on losing 2 stone. The new Labrador puppy sounds adorable and N sounds like he is doing well with his tennis. Love the photo of Hughenden – such a lovely place to visit. #project366
Thanks. I’ve not been to a national trust place for a while so it was lovely to explore
The blue skies have been lovely. I actually got washing dried out on the line yesterday as it was so windy and sunny.
It sounds like the diet is going great.
It sounds like you had a lovely day on Saturday. x
Yes windy here too. Looks like we’ll have a nice week though.
That is a beautiful photo. Well done on your weight loss, two stone is amazing! N must be making really good progress with private tennis lessons.
Thanks. I’ve got a lot more to go, but I’ve got quite a while to get to full target, and hopefully won’t take much longer to get to first one.
Not sure how much progress N is actually making – just needs to get more consistency. I think it’s certainly helped bring him above the others in his group lesson (athough 2 others also had the school privates when they were on). He just needs more playing per week – need better sunday weather so we can play then too
Well done on the weight loss! That is fab.
Hughenden Manor looks lovely! Would love to go visit it one day.
It’s really lovely. And so interesting reading about Disraeli back then.
Well done on the weight loss! Doesn’t seem right to have a new puppy and not have pictures on social media. What a shame! Bet N’s excited.
Thanks. We have so many rural thefts around here, he doesn’t want to risk putting the pup’s photo up!