Project 52 2021 week 30 – cake
This week has been a week full of the Tokyo Olympics. I love watching the Olympics and am quite disappointed that N just dips in and out if there’s something that catches his eye. I’m watching most on catch up but the Brits have done brilliantly in some disciplines, but were disappointing in others (rowing for the first time in years we scrabbled to get a silver and bronze, but no golds and lots of 4th places). I can’t get enough of it!
Ono week 30 of Project 52.
Sunday was a quiet day. N had the first summer junior tennis session at club. There were only 3 of them – 1 who was very much a beginner so went with one club members, while N and his friend hit with the other club member. It’s great they’ve got people who can hit with them, but I feel sad that I don’t get to have a hit now. I’ll have to take him down during my weeks off when the weather improves so I don’t lose my improvement. We finally put up N’s knackered climbing frame and swing set on Nextdoor to giveaway. It was snapped up for a donation to a local hospice by a nearby family who came and collected it. So the jungle of grass that was growing under one part of it was straightaway mowed by the father in law. Although it’s now a bit bare of normal grass. Hopefully some will grow back again.
On Monday it was my first day of leave. After a busy 4 weeks it was so nice to have some time off with nothing planned. We played a bit of football in the garden, I did some puzzle, and did a bit of crafting, making a reusable bag from a too small t shirt of the OH’s.
Tuesday was a lazy day. N did have a tennis private so that was an hour outside and bit of a chat to his coach. Otherwise I read a lot, did a bit of blogging, and finished another puzzle.
On Wednesday N had tennis camp most of the day. It was raining when they arrived, so I wasn’t sure if they’d make it a full day, but they held on and apart from a couple of rain showers they got through the day. i went into town for a couple of jobs I needed to do, but didn’t make it to the tip. So I’m now driving around with N’s old bike and an old broken clothes horse in my boot. We had fish and chips (or halloumi and salad for me) for tea.
Thursday N had a matchplay tournament at my old school sports grounds. Deja vu seeing my old hockey pitch again although he played tennis on a new bit of astro behind the hockey, and the sports centre itself has had lots of new additions since I was there 25 years ago. He finally got a couple of wins although did lose to one girl he’s usually beaten in the past. His serve got worse the longer he played which is disappointing. He did find the astro hard to play on as well – it was really windy, and the ball just didn’t bounce compared with our hard courts which bounce really high. But nice to get some wins and nice to see him leaving a tournament in a happy mood.
On Friday N decided he wanted to bake a chocolate cake. So he made a chocolate and Guinness cake with mascarpone icing. Even I couldn’t resist trying a bit and very nice it was. My brother popped over to pick up his clippers we’d borrowed. The weather was miserable all day so the last tennis group lesson was cancelled.
Saturday was another lazy day (for my next week of leave we really need to do something to avoid it being such as waste of time!) N went out to help move sheep for dipping. I nipped into town to get a couple of things. Then I did some jigsaw, read a bit and watched back the previous night’s Olympic medals for our mixed triathlon team’s gold and mixed medley relay swimmers’ gold. Go GB!

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I have been glued to the Olympics too and the kids love watching the swimming as they love swimming. Isaac wants to dive like Tom Daley but sadly we have to travel to train. Glad N is enjoying tennis camp
The cake sounds lovely, sadly mine will only eat Victoria Sponge cake. I’ve been loving the Olympics too, gutted that my son hasn’t been interested in the second week which is always my favourite #365
Mine isn’t usually a chocolate fan, but he made that, then did chocolate fairy cakes today. He needs to do carrot cake next. I have too many carrots.
I’ve not been watching the Olympics but have been keeping up with how we’re getting on. Lovely to have some time off and enjoy a lazy day. Well done to N at getting some wins at the matchplay tournament. N’s chocolate and Guinness cake looks delicious. #project365
The Olympics are great. Have you seen the BMX? Both freestyle and the race were so amazing and ended up with gold, which is amazing. I don’t even ride a bike but I loved watching those. It’s disappointing to get a 4th place, but all the athletes are pushing so hard and the competition is fierce. I screamed a lot these last days, both “yay”s and “nooo”s. 🙂
I have been loving watching the Olympics too.
It sounds like you needed your leave from work and have had a lovely time.
That cake looks and sounds amazing!! What a star baker. x